Question for ya?????

  • February 29, 2012 3:03 AM PST
    I have a question! As you all get to know me better, you will find that I ask alot of questions....LOL I mean my inquiring mind just needs to know things.

    Are they making cars now with no turn signals? I mean really come on, do people really think that everybody has ESP or something. And why is it that when you turn on your siganl to let people know you would like to move over, they decide to speed up? I just don't get it!

    Like yesterday on my way home, I look over my left shoulder and see there is plently of room for me to move over to the fast lane. This person in a little Toyota (I drive a Yukon) decides or says to themselves "Oh hell no I ain't letting you in" and speeds up. Just as I am executing my desire to move over, then has the nerve to honk at me, throw up their arms in frustration. Cause they lost the battle, HEHEHE! Then they decided or said to themselves "I will show her, I will just ride her bumper until she moves over". Well it did not work, I did not move over and they just got madder. I just laughed, cause I guess they thought for some unknown reason that their time was so much more important than mine. And besides, don't they know that if I have to stop in case of an emergency, that their front end of their little Toyota is going to end up under the rear end of my truck. I tell you some people just crack me up.....LOL.

    Okay my vent is done, I have no more to say at the moment. But please note that I may have more to say later...LOL

    Ride Safe,


    P.S. Gues I had two questions......LMAO!
    • 1855 posts
    February 29, 2012 3:13 AM PST
    One of my pet peeves about drivers as well. No turn signals, no lights on, etc.

    FYI, as you know there are some vehicles out there where the lights come on automatically. FYI, most people don't realize that only the front headlights come on unless you manually turn on the headlights. Even though you have headlights you do NOT have tail lights. Also, when you put on your running lights or as some people call their parking lights, once again they only come on in the front. They are called parking lights for a reason. Once the car is in gear the rear "parking lights" go out. Now, this isn't always the case but in many cases that's the way it works.

    And, in my opinion most driver's on the road are inconsiderate, illiterate, dumba$$es who ought to have "DUH" tattooed on their forehead for identification purposes.
  • February 29, 2012 3:20 AM PST
    Jimmy, I so totally agree with your opinion of some drivers.

    Another thing, with the gas prices going up more people are going to start riding scooters, motorcycles. To be honest with ya, this scares the hell out of me. There are some individuals that just should NOT ever get on a bike or a scooter, maybe even a bicycle. But then they probably should not be driving cars either! JMO! Thank you very much!
  • February 29, 2012 3:24 AM PST
    Hey TD the relatively short answer is this...
    Current production cars are required to and actually do have turn signals when they roll off the production lines.
    However, many current drivers left the factory with no brains, courtesy, empathy and in many cases they also lack a sense of humor.
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    February 29, 2012 3:24 AM PST
    The use of turn signals or lack of.
    Somewhere through the years I started saying aloud, (an example) "oh that's right dark blue cars don't have to use turning signals on Thursdays" when it happens.

    As far as cars going faster after being passed, I equate it with people's position in life, a keeping up with the Jones' kind of thing, subconsciously they don't want to loose ground.
    • 1161 posts
    February 29, 2012 3:41 AM PST
    Yep was heading to top off my bike at the gas station not 10 blocks away stopped at the light I made sure the red truck was stopping at the light because it was red and mine was green, I turned right , checked my mirrors he looked like he was slowing down in the far left lane so I put my turn signal on to move over because no cars comming or near me. Checked again and started to move over and that red truck ran the red light missed the car turning left (some how). And was now almost on top of me so I gunned it and looked in the mirror and saw the front of his truck drop like it was on hydrolics in the front from slamming on his break so hard after hearing my pipes. Thankfully my turn lane was not 5 feet from me by then so I got over ASAP and straitened up doing 60 mph by then in a 45 mph zone. Pulled into the gas station and the guy came out and asked if I was ok I told him ya no thanks to that jurk ( cleaned up) in that truck with his head up his A$$. The guy in the truck that turned behind me stopped and asked if I was ok as well and said he had a news paper in front of him on the stearing wheel reading.

    Yep stupid drivers piss me off, Dad calls them "Job Security"
  • February 29, 2012 3:52 AM PST
    Seakers I am so glad that it turned out good for ya. But I can make a healthy bet that it was very much a butt puckering moment for you. And knowing that he admitted to having a newspaper on the steering wheel reading it, just proves what a dumb a** he really is!

    Ride Safe, they are truly trying to kill us out there!
  • February 29, 2012 4:22 AM PST
    I love my Suburban... last night some kids in a yellow Camaro (Josh 11 on the plate) honk at me because I had just enough time to pull out before they could get ahead of me... they honk at me a few times and as I'm turning they're beside me and had their window open and I open mine and said "Did you just figure out how the horn worked asshole?" and the passenger said "oh sorry!" and quickly rolled up his window. The wife said "Yup they're kids they got one look at you and shut up quick!" LOL
  • February 29, 2012 4:29 AM PST
    LOL Black9, now that is funny.
  • February 29, 2012 4:32 AM PST
    The get even more stupid when you're on a bike!
  • February 29, 2012 5:23 AM PST
    Black9 wrote...
    I love my Suburban... last night some kids in a yellow Camaro (Josh 11 on the plate) honk at me because I had just enough time to pull out before they could get ahead of me... they honk at me a few times and as I'm turning they're beside me and had their window open and I open mine and said "Did you just figure out how the horn worked asshole?" and the passenger said "oh sorry!" and quickly rolled up his window. The wife said "Yup they're kids they got one look at you and shut up quick!" LOL

    OMG!!!  What an intimidating bully, scaring those poor poor a$$***** I mean kids like must be one of them Scary Bikery people!!!!!
  • February 29, 2012 5:24 AM PST
    Jetman wrote...
    Black9 wrote...
    I love my Suburban... last night some kids in a yellow Camaro (Josh 11 on the plate) honk at me because I had just enough time to pull out before they could get ahead of me... they honk at me a few times and as I'm turning they're beside me and had their window open and I open mine and said "Did you just figure out how the horn worked asshole?" and the passenger said "oh sorry!" and quickly rolled up his window. The wife said "Yup they're kids they got one look at you and shut up quick!" LOL

    OMG!!!  What an intimidating bully, scaring those poor poor a$$***** I mean kids like must be one of them Scary Bikery people!!!!!

    BULLSHIT! I'm nice! Stupid little pricks, why I oughta... D'OH!

  • February 29, 2012 5:25 AM PST
    Jimmyacorn wrote...

    ..........And, in my opinion most driver's on the road are inconsiderate, illiterate, dumba$$es who ought to have "DUH" tattooed on their forehead for identification purposes.

    OMG!!! ...and USA allows these people to BREATH???
  • February 29, 2012 5:26 AM PST
    Black9 wrote...
    Jetman wrote...
    Black9 wrote...
    I love my Suburban... last night some kids in a yellow Camaro (Josh 11 on the plate) honk at me because I had just enough time to pull out before they could get ahead of me... they honk at me a few times and as I'm turning they're beside me and had their window open and I open mine and said "Did you just figure out how the horn worked asshole?" and the passenger said "oh sorry!" and quickly rolled up his window. The wife said "Yup they're kids they got one look at you and shut up quick!" LOL

    OMG!!!  What an intimidating bully, scaring those poor poor a$$***** I mean kids like must be one of them Scary Bikery people!!!!!

    BULLSHIT! I'm nice! Stupid little pricks, why I oughta... D'OH!

    Yeah the above.....

  • February 29, 2012 5:40 AM PST
    As my wife just shakes her head at the whole thing! LOL
  • February 29, 2012 5:41 AM PST
  • February 29, 2012 7:34 AM PST
    Hahahahahaha, I could just see you reacting...
    • 58 posts
    February 29, 2012 8:01 AM PST
    Another thing that gets me in my semi at 50mph - 60mph, and 100 - 150 ft behind another vehicle (minimum clearance) and 2 or 3 cars will pull into that space and hit their brakes. Think people. I am 20 times your size and only have 4 - 5 times your braking power. Duh!!!!
    • 2 posts
    February 29, 2012 11:09 AM PST
    RufCut wrote...
    Another thing that gets me in my semi at 50mph - 60mph, and 100 - 150 ft behind another vehicle (minimum clearance) and 2 or 3 cars will pull into that space and hit their brakes. Think people. I am 20 times your size and only have 4 - 5 times your braking power. Duh!!!!

    Yup, always try to assure that I give everyone a safe distance.
    Am driving to work one AM, going about 5 over the limit & passing a long line of cars. - Old couple driving a  Volvo w/ Jersey plates gets in back of me & starts blowing the horn & flashing the lights.
    Tried to ignore them but they kept it up, - Yeh, you are just so special I am going to cut into a line of people driving just right, why didn't you tell me you were that important?
    Had a golf ball in the center console, flipped that out the window, bouncing it off the pavement. - Fortunately missed but the did back off until I had passed the line of cars.

    • 1 posts
    March 1, 2012 11:38 AM PST
    Happened a while back but got stuck in a traffic jam that had all lanes shut down... I was in my little car, thank godness... Any way had pulled a little trailer and still had this very heavy duty hitch sticking out of the back. Some jerk not paying attention hit me pretty damn hard... I cracked up laughing when traffic got going again to see the nice hole my hitch had left in his front end and raditor... Still makes me laugh...
    One thing I seem to have noticed that the more expencise the car the worst the driver...
  • March 1, 2012 12:45 PM PST
    Bitchy wrote...
    Happened a while back but got stuck in a traffic jam that had all lanes shut down... I was in my little car, thank godness... Any way had pulled a little trailer and still had this very heavy duty hitch sticking out of the back. Some jerk not paying attention hit me pretty damn hard... I cracked up laughing when traffic got going again to see the nice hole my hitch had left in his front end and raditor... Still makes me laugh...
    One thing I seem to have noticed that the more expencise the car the worst the driver...

    That reminds me of the time I was caught in rush hour traffic on I-70, near Independence, MO just east of Kansas City.  Something like six lanes of traffic had ground to a dead stop.  After I'd sat there a few seconds, I heard the brakes of an 18-wheeler locking up somewhere behind me.  It was like the interstate system's version of Russian roulette: which lane is gonna get whacked.  I was lucky; it was the lane just to my right.  Bam-bam-bam-bam... the truck hits the first car, which hits the next car, and the next car, and so on.  I will never forget the look on the face of the lady driving the last car to get hit.  She just sat there with this "you gotta be shitting me" look on her face.

    I have lots of frustrations when it comes to other drivers, but what it all boils down to for me is attitude.  People today seem to drive with this "screw you, me first" attitude. I always wonder what the rush is.  Personally, I made a conscious decision not to get excited or pissed off when I'm on the road.  I tell myself it's not a race, be one of the good guys, and don't let these knotheads get to you.  I've found that life is a lot more relaxing that way. 

  • March 1, 2012 6:04 PM PST
    I'm a highway worker. I swear NO people DO NOT USE THEIR SIGNALS.

    I used to send one cop around the block on a job I was on because he wouldn't signal. He finally confronted me & I said, "Sir, You should be setting an example & if you read the Vehicle Code you would have given me a ticket for the move you just made!" Shut him up real fast!

    While riding I make it VERY clear I'm turning or changing lanes. I'll bail on a turn if someone is up my butt. I never trust drivers with turn signals either. I also leave myself bail out space whether on my bike or car( LOL~96 Geo Metro~ my bike is bigger than my car!)
    • 1 posts
    March 1, 2012 11:31 PM PST
    wolfpack wrote...
    Bitchy wrote...
    Happened a while back but got stuck in a traffic jam that had all lanes shut down... I was in my little car, thank godness... Any way had pulled a little trailer and still had this very heavy duty hitch sticking out of the back. Some jerk not paying attention hit me pretty damn hard... I cracked up laughing when traffic got going again to see the nice hole my hitch had left in his front end and raditor... Still makes me laugh...
    One thing I seem to have noticed that the more expencise the car the worst the driver...

    That reminds me of the time I was caught in rush hour traffic on I-70, near Independence, MO just east of Kansas City.  Something like six lanes of traffic had ground to a dead stop.  After I'd sat there a few seconds, I heard the brakes of an 18-wheeler locking up somewhere behind me.  It was like the interstate system's version of Russian roulette: which lane is gonna get whacked.  I was lucky; it was the lane just to my right.  Bam-bam-bam-bam... the truck hits the first car, which hits the next car, and the next car, and so on.  I will never forget the look on the face of the lady driving the last car to get hit.  She just sat there with this "you gotta be shitting me" look on her face.

    I have lots of frustrations when it comes to other drivers, but what it all boils down to for me is attitude.  People today seem to drive with this "screw you, me first" attitude. I always wonder what the rush is.  Personally, I made a conscious decision not to get excited or pissed off when I'm on the road.  I tell myself it's not a race, be one of the good guys, and don't let these knotheads get to you.  I've found that life is a lot more relaxing that way. 
    I was born and raised in that area and they, who ever "they are" say it is one of the friendliest places to drive... Guess "they" have never been stuck in rush hour traffic or tried to get past the statdium when a game is starting or letting out... and even though it is not legal there.... White line that area if possible.

  • March 2, 2012 12:32 AM PST
    If someone is riding my ass, I generally just get out their way as soon as I can. That comes from the time as a kid when my mom was rushing to get me to the hospital because she thought driving me herself would be faster than waiting for the ambulance. Well, she got stuck behind someone that decided for her that she shouldn't be speeding, and I still have scars from the drano crystals my brother fed me as a playful prank.

    I just assume they have a sick kid in the car and let them get on their way.

    As far as turn signals, I don't care anymore. I have learned to read drivers and expect them to do something asinine and half the time I am not surprised when it does happen.
  • March 2, 2012 12:50 AM PST
    Definitely, just because they care is well engineered doesn't make the driver any better.