My Confession.....:))

  • February 29, 2012 7:55 AM PST
    very interesting guys! but here's a new take on the 'poser' issue: yep I 'm a poser! I pose on the bike, I pose off the bike, I pose in full leathers ( which I do wear most of the time), and with out the leathers( as well as other kinds of clothing), I have posed dressed in skimpy or biker tough ( should have stock in HD since most of my closet is that< but then I cant pass up the sale rack!! ) So "shoot" me since I love to 'pose'!!!! LOL
    ( hey just could'nt resist!!! )

  • February 29, 2012 1:22 PM PST
    yes, tear drops look it up Fernandina Pirate Club, St. Augustine Pirate Ball.
    Remember One Road, Two Wheels, Modern Day Pirate! have a great one "T
    • 1161 posts
    February 29, 2012 2:14 PM PST
    bikersue wrote...
    very interesting guys! but here's a new take on the 'poser' issue: yep I 'm a poser! I pose on the bike, I pose off the bike, I pose in full leathers ( which I do wear most of the time), and with out the leathers( as well as other kinds of clothing), I have posed dressed in skimpy or biker tough ( should have stock in HD since most of my closet is that< but then I cant pass up the sale rack!! ) So "shoot" me since I love to 'pose'!!!! LOL
    ( hey just could'nt resist!!! )

    I started to say prove it and looked at your profile pics,  lol glad I looked first haha!

  • February 29, 2012 2:50 PM PST
    I'm glad others sit and stare at their bikes. My wife is jealous some-times. Of course I love her more.
  • February 29, 2012 6:23 PM PST
    luckychucky wrote...
    I'm glad others sit and stare at their bikes. My wife is jealous some-times. Of course I love her more.

    Lets get this quite clear you say of course you love her you mean the wife or the bike?????
  • February 29, 2012 11:58 PM PST
    Seakers wrote...
    bikersue wrote...
    very interesting guys! but here's a new take on the 'poser' issue: yep I 'm a poser! I pose on the bike, I pose off the bike, I pose in full leathers ( which I do wear most of the time), and with out the leathers( as well as other kinds of clothing), I have posed dressed in skimpy or biker tough ( should have stock in HD since most of my closet is that< but then I cant pass up the sale rack!! ) So "shoot" me since I love to 'pose'!!!! LOL
    ( hey just could'nt resist!!! )

    I started to say prove it and looked at your profile pics,  lol glad I looked first haha!

    Well seeker, Thank you ( i think?), and I am glad you looked too.  I wouldnt have wanted you to think of me as someone who "poses" just out of spite and unable to stand behind it!  after all, I am not that kind of girl!!!      LOL
  • March 1, 2012 12:12 AM PST
    I'm wearing a fleece Harley Davidson long sleeve... Oh yeah, I'm posin this morning... GUILTY!
    • 80 posts
    March 1, 2012 12:34 AM PST

    As Edgewalker put it, Attitude is the dividing line between real people and those that pose or wannabe.  I ride for my own enjoyment of the highway and country.  I don't worry about what bike anyone else chooses to ride.  I give respect to those that earn it.  Everyone starts out a newbie at some point.  They learn to survive through hard lessons or quietly disappear from the streets.  Time and experiences have changed my outlook on life and I have survived.  I don't judge those about me, but befriend only those who return my respect.   Bikes and the road are my life now that I am free to ride as I please.  Respects to all who read this and I hope to meet ya'll out there on a bike. 

  • March 1, 2012 5:59 AM PST
    Hey, is it possible that I could be a wannabee poser? I would try really really hard and give it my best shot...what ya think?
  • March 1, 2012 6:17 AM PST
    Jetman wrote...
    Hey, is it possible that I could be a wannabee poser? I would try really really hard and give it my best shot...what ya think?

    Best of luck to ya then!
  • March 1, 2012 8:38 AM PST
    Seawolf wrote...

    As Edgewalker put it, Attitude is the dividing line between real people and those that pose or wannabe.  I ride for my own enjoyment of the highway and country.  I don't worry about what bike anyone else chooses to ride.  I give respect to those that earn it.  Everyone starts out a newbie at some point.  They learn to survive through hard lessons or quietly disappear from the streets.  Time and experiences have changed my outlook on life and I have survived.  I don't judge those about me, but befriend only those who return my respect.   Bikes and the road are my life now that I am free to ride as I please.  Respects to all who read this and I hope to meet ya'll out there on a bike. 

    I have to agree with you about the attitude!  I am so excited about learning to ride. It has been a wild almost 2 years.  I am still learning and have goals to meet this coming season.  But I dont cut others down.  My husband and I always joke about doing a social experiment.....   we have a couple of small towns nearby that is the focal point of two different bike days. There has been some controversy over what bikers are like:  --  To show the two communities what kind of people really ride bikes,   it would be fun to host a bike day as ususal ( with the cut-offs, leathers, do-rags, boots and various bikes, etc)  then have everyone come back  the next week and be in their everyday work attire on the bikes instead.  It would show people that us bikers are more than just someone who "dresses the part" .   But we might just be your next door neighbor, teacher, lawyer, Doctor or even on the police department payroll.   We are all just people who enjoy riding/ and owning bikes of all kinds.   (the way of dress is just an extra bonus to our outstanding personalities!!!      Also, leathers, rain gear, helmuts, gloves , boots , jackets are part of road safety and or comfort! 

    Ride on, Ride safe!!!  And Be happy!!!

    I am proud to be part of the biking family!!!!  Poser or NOT!!!!
  • March 1, 2012 10:46 AM PST
    .... Bitchy complains that our home "decor" is "Early Harley Davidson!".... I say if a Linkert is 65 yrs old...its an antique! Nail it to the wall... etc.... Thanks for the opportunity to get this off my chest TD...later...wooly
  • March 1, 2012 2:53 PM PST
  • March 2, 2012 2:48 AM PST
    Because they haven't learned yet Jetman... but they will!
  • March 2, 2012 3:11 AM PST
    LOL Wooly, was happy to help.

    Mean and Nasty?! Who'd a thunk it..I am as nice as pie, but then poser hope the kids just ignore that little learning curve!
  • March 2, 2012 3:12 AM PST
    You all have some really good comments here!


  • March 2, 2012 3:15 AM PST
    TearDrops wrote...
    You all have some really good comments here!

    We're posers... it's all we got!
  • March 2, 2012 3:17 AM PST
  • March 3, 2012 3:28 AM PST
    Jetman wrote...
    luckychucky wrote...
    I'm glad others sit and stare at their bikes. My wife is jealous some-times. Of course I love her more.

    Lets get this quite clear you say of course you love her you mean the wife or the bike?????

    Come On LuckyChucky answer my damn question!!!  I want to know if its the wife or the bike you love is not very clear in what you
    • 1 posts
    March 4, 2012 11:07 PM PST
    I was told twenty plus years ago when I started to ride my own that I would NEVER be a biker because I didnot have balls... My replly ply was " You be a biker and I will be some one that rides a motorcycle"
    As far as poser I think I fit the list...LMAO
    Have harley shrits from almost ever state I have rode to, A few from countrys I have been to. Yep on the assless chaps, only because the high light my best feature. I perfer the skull caps, have tested in torando winds and those things do not blow off, have had them to 110mph and do not move. But I am just a poser, want to be I know nothing about actually riding a bike.
    • 1855 posts
    March 5, 2012 12:36 AM PST
    This is what I wear when riding without a helmet, but without that useless leather hat band.  Nothing else ever stayed on my head.  The bill buttons up as to not catch the wind uplift.  The pocket on top might be good to hold a bar of soap  but I sew it up as it too could catch the wind. />
    I have quite a few motorcycle jackets but I've worn the same leather jacket for a few decades now (in between weight gains and loses).  You can see it in my photos.  I have some very functional outerwear but ya just don't need to carry all that with you when you're travelling.    But ya can be a real poser riding around locally in a cool jacket.   Got loads of HD Tees but I don't prefer them over other shirts.  I'm more into functional shirts and other attire than ever before.  Must have something to do with getting older.  Always have a pair of fleece-lined jeans in the saddlebag and they sure have come in handy. 

     I think I'm a poser in my everyday life because of the collection of hats I have.  I started buying more hats when a musician friend told me how to handle the jitters when playing on stage.  "Just put a hat on and you can (pretend to) be whoever you want."  It's like getting into character and it works.  Yep, I think we all pose a little in life.

    • 9 posts
    March 5, 2012 2:57 AM PST

    Welp, I may be the biggest "poser" of all, see'ins as I don't even have a bike ATM. 
    But I DO have:

    A pair of prescription Ray-Ban "Terminator" sunglasses (for ridin' only)
    T-Shirts up the ying-yang (almost all, motorclothes) from where-ever I've been
    Do-rags, in three colors -turquoise, black, and black & turquoise
    a half-helmut that's twenty years old (covered in stickers) the favorite one says DOT (LMFAO)
    My Main Leather (30 yrs old-Branded at the 50th Anniversary of Bike Week)
    My fringed Jacket w/Roses
    My fringed chaps
    The formerly mounted, fringed, & braided handlebar grips (Tweek'sTrademark)
    Two pairs of leather riding boots (One H-D) the other Kmart(lol)
    My H-D Nose pickers (fingerless gloves)
    Various and sundry nick-nacks,coffee mugs, blankets, and other such Harley-Davidson monickered memorabilla
    A pet Gerbil, named Harley
    And my former Holiday Inn name tag..."Harley" (no kiddin'They all called me that when they saw how I got to work.

    Some of the stuff doesn't fit anymore.  With age comes gravity.  But I can't make myself part with a thing. 
    It was bad enough having to sell "Blue", so long ago.  And then havin' "Vader" ride off, well....
    But if any, or all of that makes me a poser?  Then call me POSER.  I've been called worse. 

    Ride Free 

  • March 5, 2012 3:20 AM PST
    I see I am in very good company, good company at that. Now I do not feel so bad about being a poser.....LOL

    Today my baby is sitting right outside of the building I work in. Parked illegally of course, but then thats what us posers She is right up on the sidewalk, where I can keep an eye on her. You know those college students, they love sitting bikes that are not