Half Mast?

    • 658 posts
    February 22, 2012 1:40 AM PST

    The Flag at Half Staff. (Short Version) This is what I believe to be the reason for the flag being flown at half staff. We have a Declaration of Independence whom God has given us our rights; being that we are all created equal an all. Then we have our Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights which are protected by our government. Protected by the people we vote in to public office, by volunteers of our great military. These great citziens took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. To defend our Constitution with their own life if need be. Now, if you believe our Flag is a living thing, as I do. Meaning that our Flag is an living embodment of us, the people. Then, when our Flag is lowered to half staff we are saying to our Nation and to our God that we are in great thanks and graditude in that you have given us such a great hero, a defender of the rights you have given us. I hope this makes sense. No don't get me wrong, all Americans has the responsiblity to defend and protect our Constitution. Do not let a day go by and allow your rights be denied or trampled on. You can start defending your rights by VOTING, so please register to VOTE and get informed before you cast your VOTE. Please don't let the last 27 years of my life and other VETS defending your right to VOTE go to waste. Freedom and Libertys are not Free; Protect them.

    AMEN!!! Steven, Well said brother! 
