March 6, 2012 11:45 PM PST
Use to have a job a long tima ago where I had to maintain a level of apperance: nails hair clothes, tan... Well resaech told me how much worse fake baking was so I went for that nude beach thing.... The one I went to was very strick on their rules. No sexual conduct, that kind of thing. The frist time I went i was nerves even though I was young and very fit. Walking around others butt naked, any way The people I meet their was in the late thritys to early sixtys. The ranged from very high profile profeesionals to nobodys like me. When I got to know these people it was as if we were just talking as normal. No rude gestures or staring or any thing like that... It was a relaxing place where I could sun bath and not worry about cameras, people staering etc.... Any way the time s I went was nice, no problem... I np longer have to have that level of apperance so I no longer tan, and there for have not been back in a long time. I now sport a biker tan... Arms, neck line, face except racoon eyes from my glasses.
March 7, 2012 4:32 AM PST
Best Advice I can think of..........

March 30, 2012 2:22 AM PDT
I'm glad I ran across this post. Thanks Lucky, I enjoyed those comments. My hubby and I have a trip to St. Maarten coming up in June. From what I read about, Orient Beach is a very popular clothing optional beach. I'm planning on letting "the girls" out to play but I think that's it for me. Hubby hasn't decided if he's going to let his freak flag fly yet. We'll see!!!! LOL!