How do you clean your ride?

  • February 10, 2012 2:45 AM PST
    Myself I use a bucket of water with laundry detergent and a house (now sprayer attachment because they can force water into the sealed bearings) a nice fluffy scrubber and a can of Gunk for the under carriage. After all that I use Pledge to wax her up! Doesn't take long and it's all part of good maintenance! Like anything else a clean bike stays a healthy bike! :-)

    P.S. I need to get my happy ass out there today and put a shine on my ride, it's getting ugly! 
  • February 10, 2012 2:47 AM PST
    Oh and use Stay Bright on the black engine parts! Keeps her lookin like new!
  • February 10, 2012 2:47 AM PST
    Once a year whether they need it or not!
  • February 10, 2012 2:50 AM PST
    **** that, I keep mine clean!
  • February 10, 2012 2:54 AM PST
    Also, didn't mean to come off like a diq, it's just a thing I have since working in dealerships. We would always work on customers bikes and before they got them back we cleaned them up really nice for them.
  • February 10, 2012 2:55 AM PST
    I like to use Bike Brite, and when I can't find that, I use Hog Snot. Spray it on, hose it off. If it is REALLY messy, such as it is after getting caught in the rain or riding on salted roads, I might use a soft cloth and wet-wipe it and rinse it again. Then I micro-fiber towel dry the main areas, followed by a blow job...I use my leaf blower.

    I do use a power washer to rinse, but I am careful with it. I know that there is some icky yucky grease that is a GOOD thing! But it is GREAT at getting bug guts off the fairing, mirrors, and engine guard. I also use a bug remover--I think the one I have now is made by turtle wax.

    I also use Pledge for the finishing shine and polish. It does help keep it cleaner longer, and gives my garage a fresh lemony scent!

    Thankfully, I don't need to wash mine today. The other day I decided to take the car to work instead of ride because snow was in the forecast, so getting back home after work would NOT have been fun! As I was driving to the office, I passed the trucks pretreated the roads with salt brine...and when I saw that I was actually happy to be in my car for a change!

  • February 10, 2012 2:59 AM PST
    Black9 wrote...
    Also, didn't mean to come off like a diq, it's just a thing I have since working in dealerships. We would always work on customers bikes and before they got them back we cleaned them up really nice for them.

    I rarely take my bike to a dealer anymore, but when I did, I would always make sure it was MOSTLY clean ahead of time...that way they would do more of the detailing.

    That said, there are times when I get out the Q-tips and work on the allen bolt heads. WD-40 first if they look like they are starting to get rusty, but pledge otherwise.

  • February 10, 2012 3:01 AM PST
    WWEJD wrote...
    Hell, I know I'm in the minority! I can tell every rally I go to when I see everyone around me polishing the morning dew off their bikes! LOL

    If I am at a rally, yes, I will probably spot shine the dew off it.

    Noone has ever given me any shit about it. Of course, its highly likely I would be wearing a mini skirt and heels when I do that.

  • February 10, 2012 3:03 AM PST
    Fefe wrote...
    Black9 wrote...
    Also, didn't mean to come off like a diq, it's just a thing I have since working in dealerships. We would always work on customers bikes and before they got them back we cleaned them up really nice for them.

    I rarely take my bike to a dealer anymore, but when I did, I would always make sure it was MOSTLY clean ahead of time...that way they would do more of the detailing.

    That said, there are times when I get out the Q-tips and work on the allen bolt heads. WD-40 first if they look like they are starting to get rusty, but pledge otherwise.

    Same here Fefe, the last bike I had before the Switchback looked brand new! It had over 50,000 miles on it, not bad for 4 years of owning since I bought it brand new but I always kept up with and the same can said for all my bikes my 87 FXLR was always beautiful! The paint always looked fresh. :-)

  • February 10, 2012 3:06 AM PST
    WWEJD wrote...
    Oh I'd never pass up someone else washing my bikes! Unfortunately... I can't talk the girlfriend into it!

    LOL yeah my wife KNOWS that the morning after we arrive in Sturgis I head STRAIGHT for the bikini bike wash! She just does her thing I do mine in the bright n early mornings of the rally, I have to keep up my rituals y'know! :-)

  • February 10, 2012 3:07 AM PST
    Fefe wrote...
    WWEJD wrote...
    Hell, I know I'm in the minority! I can tell every rally I go to when I see everyone around me polishing the morning dew off their bikes! LOL

    If I am at a rally, yes, I will probably spot shine the dew off it.

    Noone has ever given me any shit about it. Of course, its highly likely I would be wearing a mini skirt and heels when I do that.
  • February 10, 2012 3:08 AM PST
    I like them clean, but I am not afraid of getting them dirty, either...unless it's winter. Can you tell I am not happy with the snow we have on the ground here? I think I have mentioned road salt in every post I have made today. And then there are the cinders they put down. It all takes the fun out of winter riding...I hate washing the bike in the winter!

    Rather than using the hose, in the winter I fill up a bucket with warm water and use that to rinse the bike off.

    But so far I haven't had to do that cuz I have pussied out of riding when I know the roads are wet.
  • February 10, 2012 3:08 AM PST
    Fefe wrote...
    Noone has ever given me any shit about it. Of course, its highly likely I would be wearing a mini skirt and heels when I do that.

    That comment is worthless without pics!

  • February 10, 2012 3:11 AM PST
    Sorry...I don't think I ever got any copies of washing the bike in a mini. All the ones I have of me bending over my bike, I'm wearing daisy dukes and hooker boots.
  • February 10, 2012 3:12 AM PST
    WWEJD wrote...
    Fefe wrote...
    Noone has ever given me any shit about it. Of course, its highly likely I would be wearing a mini skirt and heels when I do that.

    That comment is worthless without pics!
  • February 10, 2012 3:13 AM PST
    Fefe wrote...
    Sorry...I don't think I ever got any copies of washing the bike in a mini. All the ones I have of me bending over my bike, I'm wearing daisy dukes and hooker boots.

    AGAIN worthless comment without pictures! LOL

  • February 10, 2012 3:21 AM PST
    I don't ride in F-me pumps. There isn't enough of a heel to get a solid footing. And most pumps have a slippery surface on the toe portion, so they really are not good for riding unless you plan to stay on the back.

    I did move my bike once when I was wearing was NOT fun!

  • February 10, 2012 3:23 AM PST
    Thank you! I needed that! :-)
  • February 10, 2012 3:26 AM PST
    My favorite picture!  You sure have a nice set of... uhhh... umm... boots? Yeah that's it, that's I really noticed... yeah yeah that's it! hehehehe
    • 846 posts
    February 10, 2012 5:00 AM PST
    Well how does any follow up that last 1/2 page of this thread. Through i personally didn't mind the distraction.

    As for cleaning, because it white almost every other week it gets a wash and a blow dry, Some S100 usually does it and removes the bugs from the wind shield. Some times a little car wash cleaner in a bucket.

    Twice a year it gets a full detailing with wax and chrome polish and cleaning the rims and under carriage. I do this before it goes into winter storage (New England winters su**) and at the end of july or about. This takes a few hours so a cigar, beer and music is involved and after a few beers I don't care how long it takes. It therapeutic it like riding or wrenching on the bike so it not something I mind.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    February 10, 2012 5:00 AM PST
    Black9 wrote...
    My favorite picture!  You sure have a nice set of... uhhh... umm... boots? Yeah that's it, that's I really noticed... yeah yeah that's it! hehehehe

    You get "street cred" for looking like that. 

  • February 10, 2012 5:01 AM PST
    Yup...that's a good bike cleaning outfit once I lose the long sleeve jacket.
  • February 10, 2012 5:57 AM PST
    I'll be looking forward to the next photo shoot! :-)
  • February 10, 2012 5:58 AM PST
    Also just got my bike washed and waxed... now I have to do the saddlebags and windshield but it's lunch time!
    • 5420 posts
    February 10, 2012 6:16 AM PST
    I used to be able to get my son to clean the bike for me. There were those few years between like 11 and 14 years old where he was old enough to do a good job and enjoyed doing it because he liked being involved with the motorcycle (whether cleaning or helping me work on it) and going on rides with me. Now he's 15 and not that excited about riding with me anymore and realized cleaning it is just work I was getting out of. He does still like to help work on it though.