Did you see that Harley launched two new bikes last week?

  • February 7, 2012 3:26 AM PST
    The Softail Slim and the Sportster 72. No gain design wise but the 72 is nice and that softail is BUTT ugly! LOL 
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    February 7, 2012 3:36 AM PST
    The Sporty looks cool!
  • February 7, 2012 3:38 AM PST
    No, I didn't remember seeing or reading about any new bikes, but I really haven't paid attention to the Mother ship in awhile and any new bikes they have produced I am sorry to say. Sportster looks like a throw back to the 90's with the tank and the motor looks like and evo with an S&S, and 40's type paint scheme and the softail looks as if it is confused it don't know if it wants to be a fatboy, a bober or a night train. Just me .02 worth which these days is worth about .0001/2 have a great one guys "T"
    • 5420 posts
    February 7, 2012 3:44 AM PST
    Yeah, saw them at a dealer launch on Saturday.

    I typically really like Bobber style bikes, but something about the Softail that just isn't working for me and I'm not sure what it is.

    I'm thinking some it it may be the gloss black oil tank and air cleaner cover. If they were either the same as the tins are painted or chrome it might work better for me.

    The 72 is ok, but my favorite Sporty of late is still the Fourty-Eight... probably my love of Bobbers again.
  • February 7, 2012 3:50 AM PST
    I actually took a 72 for a ride....I loved it. It looks better in person as well.
  • February 7, 2012 3:52 AM PST
    Lucky it's that god awful front fender for me, that is frikkin hideous! LOL
    • 5420 posts
    February 7, 2012 3:57 AM PST
    Actually there's something about the entire front end that just ain't working for me... except for the fat blackwall on the spokes - that I like
  • February 7, 2012 4:46 AM PST
    I don't know, Black9, I think you got it backwards. That sporty is the ugly one, the softail's kinda cool lookin'. But then again, I ride an '07 Night Train, so that's probably why I like the Softail better, Less chrome, more black!
    • 9 posts
    February 7, 2012 4:49 AM PST
    Man, yeah I know!!! I love the '72, but I would change a couple things...

    Ride Free
    • 834 posts
    February 7, 2012 5:00 AM PST
    Kind of like how "strong" the Softail looks. Rhinoceros was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw it. Low and strong.

    The Sporty looks kind of AMF ish to me.
    • 0 posts
    February 7, 2012 6:04 AM PST
    I kinda like them mate..Then again I like bailey's
    on coco pops too though so maybe I aint the greatest judge..CHEERS BOOF
  • February 7, 2012 6:05 AM PST
    I guess I just dig the old AMF look, even the white stripes make that Sporty pop for me! I can't help but agree with Lucky because that front end just don't look right, still it's that fender! LOL
    • 7 posts
    February 7, 2012 6:28 AM PST
    Love the Seventy Two... but I'm partial ;-)
    • 1161 posts
    February 7, 2012 1:46 PM PST
    Ok I'll be the odd ball, I like them both but would have to change the wheels never did care for spokes on my bike.
  • February 7, 2012 2:53 PM PST
    I checked the HD website and they are showing a Switchback also. I'm used to standards and sport bikes, so I like the shorter wheelbase while keeping the 103 cubic inch engine. The removeable winshield and hard bags are a nice addition for trips.
    I could make the jump over to a HD cruiser, but it still costs more than a Yamaha FJR sport touring rig. I rode my friend's Heritage Classic, and I do love that rumble. I may jump to HD, but still unsure.
  • February 7, 2012 3:06 PM PST
    I have a Switchback and I LOVES it!
  • February 7, 2012 3:14 PM PST
    Thanks for the info Black9. It is tempting to make the move over to an HD. It's good to hear from an actual owner.
  • February 7, 2012 3:35 PM PST
    I have to say it's a pretty amazing bike, part Dyna part FL 100 lbs lighter than a Road King and about $8,000 less!
    • 58 posts
    February 7, 2012 11:04 PM PST
    I have to agree. That fender has to go, and the bars right along with. And whats with the small tanks again? I would be at the gas pump every day just going to town and back.
    • 1855 posts
    February 7, 2012 11:47 PM PST
    I heard about the new releases and I don't particularly care for either one. I don't understand Harley's thinking with the sporty. Oh, I've always liked Sportsters but enough is enough IMHO. Sportster nostalgia? Give me a break. As for the Softail Slim, nix on the frontend, like the front tire/rim setup, nix on the bars, and I'm thinking the Night Train is a helluva lot better option.

    Like Black9, I have a new Switchback. I got ride of a 2010 RoadKing to get the new bike but honestly, I'm not so sure I made the right decision in bike choice. I wanted something lighter, more manueverable, shorter wheel base, etc. and the Switchback has that. But I'm real skeptical on how it's going to fit, travelling two up and all. We'll be trimming down on our packing and that's always fine with me but I'm still wondering if I should've looked closer at another style.

    Must be my 63 years doin' all this thinkin' for me. I've never pondered about shit like this before. There's this irony in being retired in that you get to travel all ya want but for some reason ya find yourself having to "make plans". Hell, I never made plans; I just took off. lOL
  • February 8, 2012 12:00 AM PST
    Jimmy you know after years of going back and forth to the Sturgis Rally I have trimmed down my load plan that used to be on the shoulders of a Dyna Street Bob, Dyna Wide Glide, Sporty, FXR and almost all the other bikes I've owned. I have NEVER owned a tour bike to day, I've had a dozen Dyna/FXR hoozie whatsits and have learned to be creative when I have to do the two-up trips.
    Fear not my good man, for if I had either of these new bikes and mama wanted to go to Sturgis with me, I would find a way to make them work as far as my Switchback is concerned, we'll be cruising to Sturgis in style BAYBEE!!! WHAT? heheheh
    • 1855 posts
    February 8, 2012 12:16 AM PST
    Black9 wrote...
    Jimmy you know after years of going back and forth to the Sturgis Rally I have trimmed down my load plan that used to be on the shoulders of a Dyna Street Bob, Dyna Wide Glide, Sporty, FXR and almost all the other bikes I've owned. I have NEVER owned a tour bike to day, I've had a dozen Dyna/FXR hoozie whatsits and have learned to be creative when I have to do the two-up trips.
    Fear not my good man, for if I had either of these new bikes and mama wanted to go to Sturgis with me, I would find a way to make them work as far as my Switchback is concerned, we'll be cruising to Sturgis in style BAYBEE!!! WHAT? heheheh

    I too have had a number of bikes.  Like you, an FXR, Sporty, FXDWG (which I still own), but also a couple of ElectraGlides.  I never really cared for those FLHUTC's and I didn't keep 'em long.  I didn't consider the RoadKing to be in the same class but it's pretty much the same (to me); too heavy, too cumbersome, crappy center of gravity. Yeah, a great "touring" bike I suppose but it's like riding in the back seat of an Oldsmobile, sitting in the middle with the windows rolled up. Ya know what I mean?  I've ridden most of my life without a windshield and the thought of taking it off of the Switchback doesn't bother me.  I''ll admit they come in handy but it's just a thing.   And so is my concern with my choice in general.  It's just a thing and like all things, it too shall pass.  Thanks man.


  • February 8, 2012 2:43 AM PST
    Jimmyacorn wrote...
    Black9 wrote...
    Jimmy you know after years of going back and forth to the Sturgis Rally I have trimmed down my load plan that used to be on the shoulders of a Dyna Street Bob, Dyna Wide Glide, Sporty, FXR and almost all the other bikes I've owned. I have NEVER owned a tour bike to day, I've had a dozen Dyna/FXR hoozie whatsits and have learned to be creative when I have to do the two-up trips.
    Fear not my good man, for if I had either of these new bikes and mama wanted to go to Sturgis with me, I would find a way to make them work as far as my Switchback is concerned, we'll be cruising to Sturgis in style BAYBEE!!! WHAT? heheheh

    I too have had a number of bikes.  Like you, an FXR, Sporty, FXDWG (which I still own), but also a couple of ElectraGlides.  I never really cared for those FLHUTC's and I didn't keep 'em long.  I didn't consider the RoadKing to be in the same class but it's pretty much the same (to me); too heavy, too cumbersome, crappy center of gravity. Yeah, a great "touring" bike I suppose but it's like riding in the back seat of an Oldsmobile, sitting in the middle with the windows rolled up. Ya know what I mean?  I've ridden most of my life without a windshield and the thought of taking it off of the Switchback doesn't bother me.  I''ll admit they come in handy but it's just a thing.   And so is my concern with my choice in general.  It's just a thing and like all things, it too shall pass.  Thanks man.


    Definitely, over the next few years I'll probably build myself a bike and go with that because by the time I'm ready to buy again all the Harleys will probably be liquid cooled (NO THANK YOU!). I'm keeping this bike and after next year most of you will understand why!

  • February 8, 2012 4:18 AM PST
    My initial reaction to the Softtail was that it looked like a classic harley...the kind of bike you would see in a stereotypical "biker" movie in the 50s/60s/70s. But, that just means there is nothing distinguishable about it in and of itself. It is bland from its homogeneousness.

    And the softtail...as others have mentioned it was the front forks and fender that looked fugly to me. And the rest of the bike? Well, to me it looks like what the other bike manufacturers come up with when they design a cruiser to compete with Harley...so, is Harley competing with itself now? I would probably pick the softail over the sporty if I had to pick one of those two, but I would rather have a Triumph Thunderbird storm instead of that softail.
    • 846 posts
    February 8, 2012 5:37 AM PST
    I like the sportster and i'm glad there adding to the line.
    As for the softail it looks like a bike you start customizing from the beginning. I agree with the front end its out of place for the rest of the bike and would be the first thing to go.