January 19, 2012 12:07 AM PST
Dang Jimmy,
I'm sorry about your wife. I'm sure it was an accident. That's all. We are ALL only human, and therefore fallible. And that's the only point I want to make here. IEDarla, I think what you're trying to say is admirable. Your personal message is clear. You say you are a passenger only, but I think you, too, must have lost someone close, to be such an awareness advocate. (I could be wrong, and apologize, if I am). I have seen my fair share of fatalities, over the last 30 years. Some...up close and personal. And I sincerely advocate awareness being made an issue.
But I have to throw my two-cents in on self-awareness, and responsibility. I don't need statistics to know that I've made huge mistakes while riding. I've climbed on, knowing full well, I'd go to jail, if I were given a breathalyzer.
That being said, (and I no longer ride, anything unless sober), I think it is just as important, if not more so, for
the rider himself, to be educated. And by educated, I mean taking the Motorcycle Safety Course. Here, in Florida,
it is mandated by the State now, before you can be licensed. Wasn't always the case. But, now you HAVE to take the course before you can get endorsed. I believe that should be a nation-wide mandate. I took the safety course when I bought a brand new Harley, back in '91, and that course and the things that I learned, have been invaluable, and have SAVED MY LIFE, on more than one occasion.
And with today's obstacle's, (ie. cell phones, distracted driver's) it's become more important than ever, for THE RIDER, to know and learn things that could make all the difference in the world.
Like the saying..."even an old dog, can learn new tricks", seasoned rider's, too, can benefit from the Advanced Rider Course. It's a different world out there, in so many ways, and we ALL need to take more responsibility.
Riding sober, for one. (Ya'll know how that can be done, while still enjoying yerselves!)
Using your mirrors and riding/driving defensively.
Watching out for the "other" guy. Cause we all know, that the "left-turners" are out there...
Riding Safely. Notice I put a period. Period!
Wearing safe riding apparel. (Whatever that means to you, AS LONG AS IT'S NOT SHORTS & FLIP-FLOPS!!!)
Being a courteous rider. (It's a lot safer, than hot-doggin', TRUST ME)
And finally...NEVER ASSUMING ANYTHING, from another rider or driver. People are unpredictable. Believe it.
So, let's all agree on one thing, eh? We're all out here to have fun, and if we want it to stay that way, we can't
put it all in someone else's lap, awareness...starts with US!
Ride Free