December 31, 2011 7:36 AM PST
OK, First... Boof, ya made me laff so hard I almost puked... Second, I still got this stupid grin on my mug just thinking bout the NightDragon doing something like this in honor of his mom passing on. And Thirdly (issat a word?) Savage has shown us all the meaning of "Class". Miriam Webster defines it as:Definition of CLASSY
: having or showing class: as a : elegant, stylish <a classy clientele> b : having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior <a classy guy> <a classy gesture>
Mr Savage, you are one classy guy!
OK, that's all the accolades from me today... Everybody have a Better New Year and be safe, even when yer doing crazy shut!
As always, I'm trying to be on the classy
December 31, 2011 9:16 AM PST
I received a personal message from Savage943 today, and I hope he doesn't mind that I post this, because CF Family members we as a nation need a lot of Savage943"s in this world. As you may or may not know Savage won the Chaps that I gave away as a way to take my mind off my Mothers passing. Well he sent me a personal message telling he was going to have some stiching installed on the chaps saying...."In Memory of Night Dragons Mom"! Well it took me forever to write this with my eyes filled to the brim with tears. Savage my Brother you are one stand up Guy, and I wish there were more like you in this crazy world. Thank You again from the bottom of my heart. My Mom would think that was very cool. Hope you don't mind me sharing this with the family.
With Respect .....Night Dragon

Looks like we have a winner for the CF member of the month.. Good going Savage943!!!
December 31, 2011 9:59 AM PST
Boof I expected nothing less from you....LOL
Boof ~ gotta love ya Man ~ and I'm really happy to see ya got so many 'mates' ~ '7 mate, 8 mate, 9 mate...' I think you get it just for originality

January 2, 2012 7:37 AM PST
Really old mate..I gotta little club I ride with that organizes raffles for kids with cancer and would be bloody rapt if we could raffle the vest and make a few bucks for the sick little tricycle motors..Every few bucks we raise makes a difference to these poor little stink monkey's and we're always thinking of ways to give them a hand..I'll make this raffle a special one and make up some sorta Dragon thing to go with it...Mate this will be bloody cool as.Thanks for your generosity me old china plate(ryhming slang for "mate")..Its bloody cool to know we have good mates all over the world that are willing to give themselves without hesitation...CHEERS BOOF
January 2, 2012 8:08 AM PST
Really old mate..I gotta little club I ride with that organizes raffles for kids with cancer and would be bloody rapt if we could raffle the vest and make a few bucks for the sick little tricycle motors..Every few bucks we raise makes a difference to these poor little stink monkey's and we're always thinking of ways to give them a hand..I'll make this raffle a special one and make up some sorta Dragon thing to go with it...Mate this will be bloody cool as.Thanks for your generosity me old china plate(ryhming slang for "mate")..Its bloody cool to know we have good mates all over the world that are willing to give themselves without hesitation...CHEERS BOOF
I tell ya what.... The vest , chaps have been given away.....however I have a cool Jacket ( worth about $300.00 US) new that I will send ya to raffle off
. I wll post some pictures of the coat!
January 3, 2012 7:21 AM PST
Your bloody unreal mate..I owe ya a few beers when we finally get in the same timezone..Cheers Boof
January 2, 2017 12:19 PM PST
Well since it has been a while on this Here is the vest now that I won from ND. Thanks again brother!

January 2, 2017 2:16 PM PST
[blockquote]Seakers said:
Well since it has been a while on this Here is the vest now that I won from ND. Thanks again brother!

Man that brings back memories I tell ya. Thanks my Brother I loved all the family here. The best ever.
Be safe everyone, and have a blessed 2017
Night Dragon