Motorcycle Poker Run
to benefit Kaiden
Start at Mr. Joe's Seminole Pub
1st stop at Joe's Pub
(breakfast will be served).
2nd stop Corner Pocket
3rd stop Bar Mastiff
4th stop Slizzy McGee's
Final stop Quaker with...
The Supply Chain Band
Tons of raffles & Auction Items
Pre-sale tickets for a chance to win a 1996 Harley Davidson 883 that belonged to Kaidens grandpa and Kaiden loved!!! Ticket will soon go on sale at all participating bars. $25/ticket or 5 for $100.
Proceeds benefit Kaiden - 6 years old, born at 29 weeks, and recently diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Shortly after being diagnosed with CP, it was decided he would need major corrective surgery, including plates in both hips, pins in his knees and lengthening of his tendons.
We make every effort to ensure events listed in the CycleFish Motorcycle Event Calendar are accurate at the time of posting. However, event organizers sometimes make changes to event details, or cancel the event, without notifying us. If you find information that is incorrect, please Contact Us and let us know.