Kansas Motorcycle Events » Motorcycle Rally » Cassoday Bike Run - March

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Event Details

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Event Desc

  • Join over 1000 motorcycles for the monthly Cassoday Bike Run

    There is Entertainment, Merchandise and Food Vendors, and More

    The Bike Run is held on the first Sunday of each month, March through October. Starts at 7:30 am and runs until about 1:00 pm unless the bikes are either gone or lots of bikes are still in town.

    A family friendly event.

    Everyone and All Motorcycles are welcome!

    Automobiles are NOT permitted on the streets where the bike run in held.

    The Cassoday Bike Run was formed by accident in 1991. The late Gene Shannon, who lived in Cassoday Kansas and his Honda Gold Wing club decided to start their monthly ride with a breakfast at the Cassoday Cafe. Soon a few more bikers joined this ride and then some others found out and joined. Before you knew it, the Cassoday Bike Run took on a monthly, reoccurring role as the premier “ride to” breakfast event. After 33 years we are still attracting 1000’s of bikers each month, from all over the Midwest.

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  • RSVPs
    • 1 attending
    • 0 maybe attending
    • 0 not attending
    • 0 awaiting reply
  • Event Category: Motorcycle Rally

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