Of local interest only

    • 1 posts
    November 10, 2011 12:37 PM PST
    Good article by a pretty good local writer, in a local paper about a local motorcycle mechanic & a local rider

    The guy builds & fixes motorcycles - He doesn't have "concepts" & he can talk about motorcycles for 15 minutes without saying "bike" once.
    Definitely the go-to guy if you can wait your turn

  • November 10, 2011 2:39 PM PST
    I often hear the term "Old School" used WAY too often by guys half MY age and it sickens me but it would definitely apply to this chap! More accurately, no nonsense motorcycle builder!
    • 611 posts
    November 10, 2011 3:27 PM PST
    Right on... Great article and looks to be a real builder. See, he prob knows when to bolt it on and when to build it from scratch!
    Thanx for sharing!
    • 611 posts
    November 10, 2011 3:30 PM PST
    @Black9... I figure 'Old School' is really a 'Tip-o-the Hat' to the old way of doin stuff...
    My bike building daze were in the mid 70's to the late 80's... Don't know if that meets the requirements for 'Old School'... I sure had a blast doin it!
  • November 10, 2011 3:42 PM PST
    Edge I'm referring to these wannabes who buy a brand new bike remove the front fender and take a hacksaw to the rear fender... nothing functional about what they're doing other than to impress their bros and some chicks that they can't get on their hacked up bikes.

    I had a blast in the 80s and 90s playing around with bikes and trying new things but when it comes to the whole 'old school' theme it's just a buzz word for some of these people to some how render them initial street cred for their half ass hack jobs.
    I guess I'm more akin to pumpin up the motor and blowing past all of the cool people LOL
    • 611 posts
    November 10, 2011 5:15 PM PST
    Black9 wrote...
    Edge I'm referring to these wannabes who buy a brand new bike remove the front fender and take a hacksaw to the rear fender... nothing functional about what they're doing other than to impress their bros and some chicks that they can't get on their hacked up bikes.

    I had a blast in the 80s and 90s playing around with bikes and trying new things but when it comes to the whole 'old school' theme it's just a buzz word for some of these people to some how render them initial street cred for their half ass hack jobs.
    I guess I'm more akin to pumpin up the motor and blowing past all of the cool people LOL

    Got it... thot it might be somthin like that... Yep, the "Old Skool" we're talking 'bout had Harmin-Kardin frames w/goosenecks, stretched out frame tubes, upper and lower, turnin out any part from scratch... finding parts at a swap meet and workin 'em until they fit on yer bike... cuttin a rear fender outta a trailer fender and welding a piece of 3/8" round stock that ya sweated 3 hours to EXACTLY match the radius of the fender... or enny number of the same kinda poop. Finding a pair of cool black metal-flake grips from a bicycle and slapping 'em on. Crazy stuff! I found a cool old 6 volt lite from a tractor and gutted it, soldered a 12v lamp base in it, swapped the mounting bracket for one I made, rattle-canned it flat red, then masked it off and rattled-canned it flat black so that the red showed thru in a crazy kinda claw marks... Looked cool as she-it! Yep, good stuff Maynard!