October 28, 2011 4:44 PM PDT
That sux so glad your alright deer season in South Carolina starts in Sep and ends in January I wish it was year round to thin them out. I hope your back riding soon
October 29, 2011 2:07 AM PDT
I am very glad you only had minor injuries. Sorry about the ride though but that is replaceable.
October 29, 2011 2:59 AM PDT
Yeah man, sorry about the bike but I'm glad you walked away from it all.
October 29, 2011 3:09 AM PDT
glad your ok.had a close call myself a few years back. topped a hill outside austin texas doing 70 and 3 deer standing in the road, they were as suprised as i was and they never moved and i swerved around and went between 2 of them.my heart beats faster just thinkin bout it.hope ya get back on the road soon.
October 29, 2011 4:38 AM PDT
OMG! Bummer 'bout the bike... glad you weren't riding faster than your guardian angel can fly :-)
Timely reminder - riding through the N. Cal. foothills today.
October 29, 2011 10:09 AM PDT
Good to know that people can survive these things.
Ride in terror after dark. - When on slab tuck in behind a semi & hope its brake lights work. - On the twisties either ride real slow in the probably forlorn hope of minimizing the damage or really fast to minimize the exposure time - Neither approach makes me feel better
October 31, 2011 3:58 AM PDT
Thanks again CallingFox for your timely reminder. I was extra vigilant riding back through the N. CA foothills at night. I didn't see Bambi but I think I was better prepared... just in case. Thanks!
October 31, 2011 5:38 AM PDT
As with everyone else glad to hear your ok and walking around. It's one of fears riding. Sorry about the bike it does look like it took a beating. But better it then you.
October 31, 2011 5:52 PM PDT
Glad you are ok CallingFox. Shame about the bike, but at least your still round to tell tale.
Had my first near miss with a deer just a couple hours ago in the Angeles Forest here.
November 1, 2011 12:27 AM PDT
Good to know that people can survive these things.
Ride in terror after dark. - When on slab tuck in behind a semi & hope its brake lights work. - On the twisties either ride real slow in the probably forlorn hope of minimizing the damage or really fast to minimize the exposure time - Neither approach makes me feel better

Big rigs don't protect you they just lay the greasy chunks down on the road and throw them at ya without warning. Had to use a full washer bottle on the car once after the Semi rig busted a Wisconsin road buck and schredded the deer out the back. Windshield was a mess and the car wash was expensive.......

November 2, 2011 2:26 PM PDT
Glad you're ok Fox...
Up here in WY we have all kinds of things running out in the road in front of you. I installed deer whistles on my front fender. Don't know if they help but since I haven't hit a deer, I'm not taking them off!
November 2, 2011 3:29 PM PDT
The other day on the radio they said in our area, Frederick County MD, we average 300 deer in Nov. That seemed like a hig number to me at first. But then I realized based on square miles and how we are mostly farm country, it didn't seem to be such a high number. I still try not to be riding during "deer thirty". Glad you were lucky to make it thru this.
November 2, 2011 4:14 PM PDT
Wow, I'm glad you are going to be o.k. The bike can be fixed. It is scary out there, not only by deer.
November 19, 2011 4:20 AM PST
I have 3 deer whistles on my bike, they are small and hide easily. We ride through Oceola National Forest 40 miles across. I never see deer unless Im in my truck.