Why did you choose your bike

    • 601 posts
    August 6, 2011 11:54 PM PDT
    OK so why did you pick your particular bike or did it pick you....some pics would be nice...and have you modified it


    CBR1000f, hurricane.
    It has just about everything i want, bought it 8 years ago with 12,000 on the clock, it's now got 150,000 +. There are a few mods done to the engine and braking system.I can ride for a full tank 140 miles, in comfort and at any speed from 30-130 it handles well, tends to tank slap over 130 (so i've been told) I have had a few other bikes over the last while but always return to the CBR. I tried the Blackbird, but honestly, I don't think it was an improvement on the 1000. over the 140,000mls I've put up, all i've ever had to do was basic maintainance, mind you I do change the oil every 4000 and the filter every second change. Paint is now getting a wee bit shabby so I may paint it in January.
  • g
    August 6, 2011 11:59 PM PDT
    nice , mines is a green ninja 2000 j1 model , done loads ,prob got it cause its green ,also in good condition
    • 3006 posts
    August 7, 2011 4:32 PM PDT
    Sweet ride,and its really nice to rack up some serious miles on a bike that meets all your needs and hasnt gone in the crapper on you,..
    My current ride picked me, I wasnt really in the market for a new ride back in 02,yet a friend who worked at a local dealrship called me n said come in and check out the brand new VTX1300 he had,it was love at first sight n ride.I was given a very generous trade in on my old 750 Shadow,so it was like picking up a new bike for what I paid for my tradein 3 years earlier.Just recently turned over 54000 on her and while I have had a lot of fun with her I still look forwards to new rides & adventures that await. !  The extent of my mods were a set of leather bags,backrest for my sweetheart,& a memphis shades hellcat windshield.
    Here is a pic about a week after I picked her up.
    Stay safe n enjoy the ride!!!
  • August 7, 2011 7:18 PM PDT
    I used to ride years ago with a guy who had a goldwing and I always enjoyed listening to music why we rode, so I chose a bike with music and the abilility to pack for the day or for a weeklong ride with ease. My Streetglide is my first bagger and I got one with dark blue denim paint, so no long ours cleaning and waxing anymore. My next bike will be the ultra classic with the flat black paint and everything that is normally chrome I want blacked out and a hidden trailer hitch as well.
    • 638 posts
    August 7, 2011 11:33 PM PDT
    I chose this bike because it was the biggest v-twin on the market. It has more pwer than I will ever need so I added even more with a hyper charger, performance pipes, and power commander. Has been dynoed @ 141hp/161ft.lbs of torque. I'll be able to load this thing down with so much luggage and ride two-up all day without this bike even blinking. Also crammed a 240mm rear tire and 150mm front. Plus I think it's a pretty good looking bike too.
     oh yeah, I live in the deep south and wanted a bike with a radiator on it
    • 846 posts
    August 8, 2011 2:29 AM PDT
    I did choose the model that was it otherwise it was fate which is also the name of my bike. I had an old Sportster and I was looking to upgrade to a longer distance bike. After some research and renting one for a week the decision was made a Road King it would be it. Now the coin was the issue. I had it all planned out and was a few year from throwing the switch in 2009.
    Now fate
    A co-worker and friend wanted to get into riding and had asked me to tag along to make sure he didn’t do something stupid. We hit all the local metric bike shops then he turned to me on day and asked where the nearest Harley shop was. Having an older (76 Sportster) I knew of all the Harley dealers within 50 mile radius of my house and a few local shops too. So it was off to the local HD shop a lunch one day.
    We stopped in and my friend when looking and sitting on bikes and I just hung back. The sales guy started asking the needed questions to get an idea of what type of riding he had in mind. Well after a lot of vague answers and a few sampling of bikes the sales guy asked “well do you have any idea of what bike you would like” my friend asked “no” and then point to me (who the salesman hadn’t spoke two words to me) and said “but he does”.  The salesman turns to me and asks what type of bike? My answer was “black Road King” knowing full well there were three sitting there on the show room floor. His next question was “why Black” and my answer was because at some point it will be painted and I don’t want to pay for two tone. Then he asks if I have a few minutes? Now going back to work over staying in the bike shop is a no brainer so my answer was “yes”. He wants to show me something out back. So we out back we when and there was Fate. As we remember 2009 was a financial disaster for local communities and there budgets. Several towns had cut back their deliveries of their police bikes and the shop was stuck with several police bikes and no owners. They had converted this one (the first) somewhat back to civilian models passage floor boards and normal tires, two up seat and the price was right.
    I did think it over that night and I was still short on cash. Down payment yes but full financing no, I was short and would need a loan. Financial crises and loan don’t go hand in hand so it was up to fate. I when in the next day and let fate decide I applied for a loan and got it. So it was in the card for us and the reason I named it Fate.
    Not much to change on this bike as it came with a factory 103 engine (yes in now standard on all 2012 touring HD’s). I did add the back rest, highway pegs, switched out the exhaust to an American Custom and made the name tag to fill in the missing saddle bag latches. The paint may come some day but the white and black has grown on me and will stay that way for the near future.
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    August 8, 2011 5:22 AM PDT
    My last bike 2003 Ultra Classic with sidecar (not the bike I'm working on now) I bought because of injuries and health issues I was dealing with, I went nuts with bling.
    • 0 posts
    August 8, 2011 7:53 AM PDT
    My bike was chosen for me, kinda...
    I was looking at new bikes and had it narrowed down to the Star Family because of value and dependability. We were in a dealership looking when my wife found the red V-star 1300. I had already researched them and liked what I saw about them, but when I sat on it, it just felt right. She said I had to have it, it was her favorite color. I told her I wanted the touring package, the dealer said he would convert it at cost with no labor. I said, but I really want the roadstar hard bags, not the leather covered ones. The dealer said, no problem, no extra charge. I was railroaded I tell ya... LOL
    Now after 52k in three years I am still happy.
    • 0 posts
    August 8, 2011 10:14 AM PDT
    Well as y'all know nothing in my life is a simple choice thing..My old ironhead reaches way back to when I was drinking hard and not the well adjusted almost sober bloke y'all see before you now..I was running our family pub when one day a mate of mine came in and said some junkies had ripped him off and asked if I'd like to go around and kick 7 shades of shit outta them and get his stuff back..Off we went and got to this bloody huge house with broken down cars as lawn ornaments ..I kicked in the front door while Morton waited at the back door for the junkies to scatter out like cockroaches..Oh yeah did I mention Morton is a bloody nutter who loves violence? Anyways I kick in the front door they take off for the backdoor Morton slows them down with a lump of 2x4 so there is a messy junky pile out the back by the time I drag the 2 I caught out there.We drag them out to the shed where I see the old ironhead looking really sad and another frame and tins..I persuaded our substancly challenged new friends to sell me the bikes very cheap..So we load up Mortons gear one complete bike and a few milkcratres of the second bike and get the rego papers and a reciept of our new friends..Turns out before he wass a filthy junkie old mate was quite the bike builder and hadnt sold this one off for dope yet..Got the bikes homwe and it took me about a day to get the nearly complete bike running..The second bike I assembled and had gave to my daughter to give her something to do..She had to strip the tins so I could paint them and she woulda had a bloody nice little scoot..Alas her mother(another filthy junkie) sold it before she could finish it..We never found her bike...

    My Buell was another story completely..As y'all know I had a life changiong crash last year that saw me really bloody banged up..My buell was repaired and the weekend before i was supposed to pick iot up,the tuning shop was broken into and my bike was stolen..I was friggin gutted...The girl who hsandled my case at the insurance company actually found me this bike and bought it for me to replace my stolen one....She was pretty bloody cool about this and I sent her a bottle of jack for her troubles..
    Marni's dyna was a tough choice..This is Marni's first bike of her own as she used to ride mine before this..Anyone who knows Marni knows she does not make a decision lightly..I reckon we looked at 100 friggin bikes beforwe she decided on this one...We got it home and she told me she didnt really like riding it that much..I just sahook my head..I've replaced the seat,bars twice,exhaust,airfilter, progresive suspension with gold top actuators and  put a new dynojet power vision on it and now she rides it at least..Marni says it aint much good for ridin to work coz the bars are to wide to split in heavy traffic so she rides my buell everyday..I dont mind coz I bloody love ridin the Dyna...

    Later this year I'll be getting my streetglide and I think that'll do for now besides another dirt bike...Shit mate I gotta get a bloody bigger shed....


  • August 23, 2011 1:58 PM PDT
    kingbiscuit wrote...
    I chose this bike because it was the biggest v-twin on the market. It has more pwer than I will ever need so I added even more with a hyper charger, performance pipes, and power commander. Has been dynoed @ 141hp/161ft.lbs of torque. I'll be able to load this thing down with so much luggage and ride two-up all day without this bike even blinking. Also crammed a 240mm rear tire and 150mm front. Plus I think it's a pretty good looking bike too.
     oh yeah, I live in the deep south and wanted a bike with a radiator on it

    Nice bike Kingbiscuit,Same thing I have Ive only put bags on it and want to get some highway bars as soon as I can afford em.

    • 1 posts
    August 24, 2011 12:18 PM PDT
    Started riding 50 years ago because
    1. Hated to stop just because the road did (No compact SUVs then & Jeeps were horrible, slow monstrosities)
    2, Like to go fast thru the corners, not down the hiway, just thru the corners.

    Fifty years later & nothing has changed - When I found out that Eric Buell & the elves in Troy, WI made the Ulysses AND that a dealer in the PA Coal Country was dealing on a demo cycle it was all over.

    Modifications? K&N air filter, tank bag & home made rack

    When you see a road like this & just keep going there is always something interesting at the end.

  • August 24, 2011 1:51 PM PDT
    Well I had a few bikes - smaller- vibrated a lot but ,when the Valkyrie came out I got one .. Would buy a new one if Honda hadn't stopped production ... I got power to spare two up is a breeze . 130 mph is easy comfortable steady ..I have done 600 mile days . what a great ride .
  • August 25, 2011 12:42 AM PDT
    1997 FLHRI.Picked my bike because the price was right and it was the model and engine i was looking for.drove 750 miles to buy it. when  i  bought it, it needed some elbow grease and maintenence which turned out to be a great project above and beyond.A lot of new chrome,paint,clutch,seat recovered,stereo install and engine rebuild all done by me with the exception of paint,  (I shipped the tins cross country to COLORMANIAPAINT.COM in San Diego,Ca).Here are some pics of it done for now.We ride a bunch and will always need something done because of it.Check it out.My goal is to do a New York to California cross country trip with a lot of time to do it.Want to back road it the whole way so its gonna take a while.
  • August 25, 2011 1:49 AM PDT

    i bought my bike because i needed a bike that would  be contfortable for me. i have a lot of back and leg problems. i used to ride mitrec crusers but i got to the point to where i couldent get contfortable on a crouser any more. and i also wanted stereo and crouse control. and also i've never had a harley before so i thought i'd give it a try. and so far i have no regriets i love my bike. its a contfortable machine and also gets better gas milage thin any of the other bikes i've had. i plan on staying with harley from here on out. this bike has the 88 ci. with the 5 speed tranie. i might consiter up grading to the 96 ci. with the 6 speed one day just to get a litle more power and a better resale in the future i'm not sure yet i realy need to talk to someone that has one first to see how they like it. i might consiter gitting a trike. if my legs get any worse.but i'm not sure if i can aforde one.if there's anything that i dont like about harley it's the top end engine noise thats taking me awhile to get use to but other than that i love the thing.well i'm not sure what else to say other than thanks to lucky and cycle fish for a grate website you guys are doing good keep it  up .                                                                           be safe.

    • 566 posts
    August 25, 2011 2:00 AM PDT
    My girl and I had been eyeballing a Kawasaki Nomad for a while. We loved the big size of it with its huge bags for storage; its comfy seats for long hauls; and I loved it for the electronic cruise control for those long, flat Florida roads. The bike looks and sounds good. And, we are really happy with it. The only things I've added to it are luggage rails on top of the saddlebags to protect them from scuffs and a luggage rack on the back. Oh. And I traded out the beep beep horn for a honk honk horn.

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    August 25, 2011 3:30 AM PDT
    I have always loved the look of the Grand-daddy of the Road King, the FL Sport. Then the Super Glide so the next logical choice for me was the Road King. For a while I considered looking for a used Super GLide or FL Sport but decided I wanted the EVO engine along with it's electrics for durability. Rex the Road (king) Dog will most likely be the last bike I buy since I see no reason to replace him. A trusty steed he is and when the engine tires it will be revitalized. There is no better ride in my not so humble opinion.
  • August 25, 2011 4:47 AM PDT
    My everyday ride is a 94' Gold Wing 1500SE with 207K on the clock.  The first time I saw her it was love at first sight and the rest is history.  I could go on and on about her but we don't have time here.  Sorry I can't include a picture but I'm basically a computer illiterate and lack the skill or know how to do that.  Emails are about the extent of my computer skills.  Besides, I don't spend much time at all in front of the computer anyway.  If I'm not riding, I'm at work where the only computer I have is located.  Ride On!
  • August 26, 2011 5:54 AM PDT
    I had went to the dealer on a Thursday night just to check out the bikes and was actually looking at the Nightster to purchase when I heard this pssstttt from across the showroom floor.  I glanced towards this met blue Lowrider and thought to myself it would be too much bike for me.  I am a small woman and didn't want to have to "fight" the bike to keep it up.  I told the salesperson I would be back on Sat with my husband and since my hubby wasn't the type of man to have his woman have a Harley and not him, he may just sell two bikes.  We came back on that Sat and still I was looking at the Nightster but I kept hearing the psstttt from across the showroom floor when out of the blue my husband walked over to the Lowrider put his hand on the handlebars and said "Now this bike would take you to where you want to go without beating you up".  So I guess you could say my bike chose me.  I've had it for 18 months and have put over 8000 miles on it.  Love, love, love my bike!
    • 611 posts
    August 26, 2011 8:53 AM PDT
    OH WOW! What a buncha cool damn stories! To everyone with a Metric Cruiser, Salute! I've owned Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha and rode them hard and loved 'em all! Chaz, love that Police Road King. Savage, never heard of a Ulysses but MAN does it look fun to write! Al, nice paint on that Road King. Race Angel that Lowrider definitely fits you and BOOF! OMG Mate, now I KNOW that we have ridden together! Almost the same story, just different bikes and continents! Also, thanx for sharing your story about your return from the Dark Side of drinking. Welcome back!
    OK, Hildigarde is my bike. She's a 1985 FLHTC, Electra-Glide. 80ci Evo engine, 5 speed tranny. I was forced to retire at 55 because of chronic tendonitis in my hands and forearms. I had to have a smooth riding, cruiser classic. I looked at the new bikes (too much money and didn't want payments). So I hit Craigs List and started shopping. I was looking at 69-80 E-glides/Stupor Glides but either they weren't  priced right or they were thrashed or had a zillion miles.
    I was driving back from another fruitless search when I saw a small sign that said "Harley for Sale" in front of a house. Whipped a U-turn and banged on the front door. A short skinny dude about my age answered and I told him I saw the sign and could I look at the bike. He told me it was a '85 E-glide and it only had 50k on the clock. He opened the garage door and there sat my bike. She was covered in dust, oil and looked like she hadn't been started in 6 months. He apologized for the way she looked and I noticed a Fatboy on the other side of the garage. No dust on THAT one!
    We rolled my bike out, he flipped the switch and choked it, hit the start button..... nothing! I started laughing, he looked sheepish and said that could I come back? I told him Hell no! Let's get it running. So we putzed around and got her running in half hour. Turns out, the battery connection was loose. He had too small a battery in it and the terminals were corroded. Fixed that and took her out.
    She handled HORRIBLE! Felt like her tires were flat. Turned around and made it back to the house... Checked the tire pressure. Both were at 15psi! The rear air shocks had 10psi and the anti-dive front end was empty... So I filled eveything back up to spec and she handled much better!
    I stopped by my bank and pulled $6500 out. He was asking $8500 but I knew he would take less. So I rode it back, told him I wanted it and would gladly pay him $5000. Long story short, he took $6500 when I was walking away to get back in my car.
    So here is a pic from when she had been reworked by my friend Jaftey Joe. New ThunderHeader 2 into 1, new S&S Super E carb, complete new wiring harness, correct size battery, new speedo gear upfront, new matching Kuryaken pegs and grips and new skins front and rear. Dropped $2000 @ Joe's so I have $8500 in her and she runs great! Very happy with her and I've put around 8-10k on her in just over a year. The pic is when she was rolling out of Jaftey Joe's and he's the guy standing behind her.
  • August 26, 2011 11:35 AM PDT
    Growing up w/ bikes...I had all the jap bikes...even raced motorcross on an ol RM250 back in the 70's.
    1st bike was the Honda 305 SS (late 60's)... then 450 - thought I was bigtime. Kept the 450 several yrs, then sold it, then got Yamaha 650 (believe it was '76?) I remember it was a 4 stroke and kinda resembled the T650 Bonny. After wiping out on that thing, I got the Triumph. Kept it for a while, then got away from bikes. Yrs later, went back to jap bikes, Hayabusa....was nice, but too fast for this aging guy - kept it year, sold it. Within a year, got my first Harley , the 48. Kept it a while and my 'crowd' were riding baggers and could go further on the road - so I got rid of the 48 and bought the Street Glide - Best bike ever.....very happy with it, and can do some traveling when I have time w/o worrying a/b fillups every 75 miles. Use the SG for work , daily and ride w/ the local HOG group , when I can....Life is Good!