July 24, 2011 6:31 AM PDT
Loving the comments, please keep them coming...
People that "know" me, would have been shocked to read that drivel. But it wasn't the comments about ME, that bothered me so much, I have duck feathers. But when she started in on my family, well....let's just say, I had a moment where, it's a darn good thing that I am trying to follow in Christ's path. But even right now? At this moment? If she were to cross my path...I think Debra Jo and Rex's moves, might be the ONLY reaction...LOL!
Actually, since having a day to reflect, I'm a helluva lot calmer, than I was yesterday...
But please, any advice, relevant stories, or words of wisdom, are all much appreciated. Thanks.
Ride Free

P.S. Check out the latest blog...it's a kicker
July 24, 2011 8:03 AM PDT
Wheels I agree with you but Tweek I can relate talk about me but not my family. I'm fairly easy to get along with and it takes certain things to get me hot but my family is a major one. People call me names what ever I could give a damn less but not my family. But I don't think I could have held my self back like you did I commend you.
July 24, 2011 4:02 PM PDT
Do not argue with an idiot.
They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
July 24, 2011 5:36 PM PDT
Tweek old mate Fightin on the internet is like buyin an ethiopian kid a friggin happy meal..BLOODY POINTLESS>>>CHEERS BOOF
July 25, 2011 2:05 AM PDT
Best thing I have found is to let it slide, to a point. She will eventually bury herself and show her true colors to the rest. That type always does. But if she reaches "that point" (and only you will know what it is and when she reaches it) then deal with it/her, but only once, and then leave it alone.
July 25, 2011 2:35 AM PDT
If she's attacking your family others will see it for what it is...a ploy to get you to stoop to her level and keep the fight going. My advice would be to simply say "i'm sorry you are having issues, you need to speak with god and deal with it" then walk away and never speak to her again..it will make you the better woman, in others eyes as well as your own piece of mind. people only bring other family into the fight as a way to provoke, and as good people (which i know you are) we must refrain from falling for this trick...you are better than her already, and a simple statement to her is all that's needed....all that know you will understand, all that don't will form their own opinion and are not to be worried over.This will come back to bite her in the arse....it always does!
July 25, 2011 4:05 AM PDT
If she's attacking your family others will see it for what it is...a ploy to get you to stoop to her level and keep the fight going. My advice would be to simply say "i'm sorry you are having issues, you need to speak with god and deal with it" then walk away and never speak to her again..it will make you the better woman, in others eyes as well as your own piece of mind. people only bring other family into the fight as a way to provoke, and as good people (which i know you are) we must refrain from falling for this trick...you are better than her already, and a simple statement to her is all that's needed....all that know you will understand, all that don't will form their own opinion and are not to be worried over.This will come back to bite her in the arse....it always does!
So very very true, and I as well as my sister intimated to her that she needed a God hug, but that really made her mad, and she started in on my "christianity". This woman isn't worth my time, and as of this writing, I have blocked her from my "friends list", I have deleted her from my phone, and more importantly, my life. I have also prayed for her and her family, because she obviously has issue's in her life that need divine intersession!
I really appreciate your thoughts, though!!! We all need to be encouraged by our true friends. We can lift each other up, each one for the other!
Love you, Lola Ride Free
July 25, 2011 4:30 AM PDT
Well Tweek you said you were friends with her once .........You know what ...You can polish a turd, but it's still a TURD. Forget the dumb bitch ever existed, and hang with your CF Friends.
July 26, 2011 2:27 AM PDT
love you too.......you are a good woman, never believe anything to the contrary.
July 26, 2011 2:47 AM PDT
Life is too short to have to deal with DRAMA............... Consider the source, She is not a friend. Let it go. Forget shes even excists. The people that know you know the truth. Move on and enjoy life.
July 26, 2011 5:33 AM PDT
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Hell, I'll scream it from the rafters...CYCLEFISH PEOPLE ROCK!!!
See? That's why I bring some of my "stuff" here. I always get encouragement, instead of "discouragement"! Ya'll know just what to say, and better, ya'll know, what I need to hear! Suhweeeeeeeet!
And keep them fingers and toes, and whatever else feels right to ya, crossed! We're on the count-down clock as of this moment, and there are some sweet sounding pipes that will echo, when the clock gets to zero!!!
P.S. I had to make it BIGGER, ya'll just make me SMILE!
July 26, 2011 9:21 PM PDT
I always say, Why have a war of wits with an unarmed fool? Just grin!
July 27, 2011 2:45 AM PDT
Tweek, You Rock! And don't let anyone EVER tell you otherwise, or at least don't listen when they try. Am counting down with you on those sweet pipes. HUGZ!