July 6, 2011 11:09 AM PDT
This is Babe, my 2009 Boulevard C50T. She's pretty much stock. I've changed out the saddle bags and added a Mustang Seat, a luggage rack, Kuriyaken highway pegs, twisted pullback risers, and RAM mounts for my video camera and GPS.
Here is a recent shot of my "blubelle",one hot mama !!!
good luck everyone !!!
This is Baby, my 96 HD Dyna. We met almost 5 years ago and we have shared lots of miles and smiles since then!
This is my first born child. It took three long years to build her. Starting out with a frame and motor from a 1979 xlh. I purchased several parts from aftermarket companies. I designed the fenders,sissy bar,forward controls and several other parts. Installed a cam's HI-4 ignition system,new carb and tranny and replaced generator with alternator conversion kit. She's a beauty!
My everyday rideris an '02' Softail FXSTI w/custom bags, 3% raked tribal triple tree, and black powder coated primary, cam cover, and wheels it's also lowered.
July 11, 2011 5:11 AM PDT
July 14, 2011 4:23 AM PDT
south of moab- headed for the smokeout west in 2010--
July 14, 2011 7:02 AM PDT
My Girl Ruby...So kind to my behind..
July 19, 2011 3:53 AM PDT
This is my '96 Heritage Softail that I have had for over 10 years and have worked on for many of years!
July 20, 2011 8:27 AM PDT
July 20, 2011 8:34 AM PDT
The wife's early anniversary present! We celebrate our anniversary on August 5th and YES she's been a VERY good girl this year! Happy 2nd Anniversary baby!
July 26, 2011 4:55 AM PDT
Hello everyone,
This is my first bike. An 60 Trimph America. Just redid the bags and trunk (got bigger ones). She rides smooth. She's a great topic wherever I go. I'm happy I started riding...

Be safe everyone!
