. . ....guess I can stop building this Arc..

  • June 25, 2011 1:32 AM PDT
    ....woke up this mornin to the sun shining brightly and 60 degrees....sposed to get up into the low 70,s today.
    Been raining steady for the last five daze.....Chili was still in bed, so I made a pot of coffee and hung out on the
    deck out back...listening to Chili,s birds greeting the new day.. . . . ...sposed to be sunny and in the low to
    mid 70,s all weekend....were headed out after breakfast....destination unknown...but isnt that the best ride ?
    ...Temps are sposed to steadily climb all this week, until they hit the low 90,s by Friday...hope summer is finally here..
    ..Gonna fire up the grille and smoke up some dinner when we return....get the fire pit ready....and hang out with the
    Captain tonight. ....cleaned and shined the State last week....so she,s all ready to take us on our adventure in
    the wind today. . ....aint life sweet ? 

    . . . .......
    • 5420 posts
    June 25, 2011 2:42 AM PDT
    Good for you man. Enjoy the ride!!!
    • 910 posts
    June 25, 2011 9:11 AM PDT
    life is sweet :-)
  • June 25, 2011 10:52 AM PDT
    The Sun shines here in ny for about 5 min. and then starts raining looks like monday is going to be the best day here.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    June 26, 2011 1:54 AM PDT
    Good for you all Nor Westerners
  • June 26, 2011 3:28 PM PDT
    ....excellent weekend....wound up riding down state instead of heading North like we initially planned....never did make it home Saturday night...just kept on riding all day and wound up at some hotel somewhere...I forget what town.....had a hell of a good time...discovered some massive sand dunes down state
    that are part of one of Michigans many State Parks...I paid ten xtra bucks for my bike registration this year...so we get into any State Park in Michigan for free....these dunes were huge and there were tons of people with all kinds of 4x4,s dune buggies...quads...dirt bikes...all flying up over this huge wave of sand...I got some great shots that I,ll post later....we did alot of exploring on endless back roads that were just made for bikes...even Chili had never ridden them before...and shes lived in Northern Michigan for 27 years....

    .....anyway....we rolled in around 8pm tonight...planned on doing the fire pit thing in the back yard...but we found Chili,s cat laying low in the bathroom....appears he might have had a stroke or some such thing....he just laid there not moving much and when Chili bought him out back on the deck while we had a late supper...he,d try to walk but would take a few steps side ways and fall on his face....obviously shes all teary eyed over the little critter...feel kinda bad myself evenn though me and the cat never did see eye to eye....

    ....anyway....took a bunch of piczzzz....I,ll try and post some tomorrow...