June 17, 2011 1:58 PM PDT
Go to the latest posts on this topic to talk about the 2014 Hollister Rally!!!
Just was checking the board n I see the Hollister Rally is on this year,any cyclefish locals going down? Looking to try n make the Top Hatters poker run,did it back in 04 had a good time,nice music & great food.This is the 64th anniversary for the ride.its always an interesting experience !!!
Anyone hear different? I know for a couple of years the town shut it down "officially"..lol..
stay safe n enjoy the ride !!!
June 17, 2011 3:13 PM PDT
From what I have heard it is not an actual Hollister Independence Rally. I have made several attempts to get a straigt answer from the city with no luck.
I know the Top Hatters poker run is starting at Johnny's and ending with a party at Corbin on Saturday. and on Sunday there is another poker run starting at the VFW and ending at the Veteran's building in town for a BBQ.
Other than that I don't believe the city is doing anything.
As of now I'm not planning on riding up there.
Maybe someone from Hollister can give us some more info!
June 17, 2011 4:05 PM PDT
Once upon a time I went to the Hollister rally and I met these people there. They were pretty cool and actually got me in with a vender pass. I ended up with some really great friends and I seem to run into them every time I go to a fun Rally! I love you Lucky and Laura!!

I also met a great guy named Madmex and Master Airbrush Eric and of coarse DOC who could ever forget Doc.. still great friends with them all. Never underestimate a rally!!
June 19, 2011 2:49 PM PDT
As they said when the city pulled it's support, "They can stop the rally, but they can't stop the run."
I think we'll try to make one or both poker runs.
Anyone else?
July 16, 2011 5:04 AM PDT
Hey Rex... Did you make it to Hollister? Would like to hear about it.
June 28, 2013 10:48 AM PDT
Anyone from Los Angeles riding up to Hollister on Thursday the 4th?
June 28, 2013 10:54 AM PDT
Well Johnny we were going up on the 4th from OC, but we would look funny riding up there with casts on our legs so its not going to happen this year. There will however be LOTS of CycleFish people camping at the fairgrounds. Just look for the CycleFish banners and go over and say HI !!!
June 28, 2013 5:20 PM PDT
Thanks Lucky....
Managed to make it to Hollister on Saturday,had a nice ride in,just about 80 miles from home.Missed some of the events,yet it was the best planned & maintained rally since I have been attending.Been nursing a sore tooth all week so wasnt sure about going.Woke up n the desire to ride was stronger then the pain LOL so I went late,didnt get there till about 1230? hung out till abt 600pm n there was still a whole lot of stuff n vendors I missed.Most likely as I spent a big amount of time just checking all the lovely machines scattered about,and llots of legs LOL
n other features that charmed the senses
wish now I had taken more pics as the 40 or so pics I did take,. didnt all come out that great,I posted one here I liked.
All in all it was good thing I went,I really enjoyed getting to share some of that excitement again ! I looked real hard for some cyclefish folks didnt see any tho I did meet the most lovely lady at the Russ Brown Atty booth 
March 23, 2014 6:55 AM PDT
Any cyclefishies going this year ?? hope to see some of you there !!
March 23, 2014 7:30 AM PDT
Laura and I will be at the 2014 Hollister Rally for sure. Camping at Bolado Park!!!!
March 23, 2014 6:48 PM PDT
Randy and I will for sure be there. Thanx guys
March 25, 2014 2:49 AM PDT
For those camping at Bolado Park --- We normally camp right in the middle, somewhere near the permanent rest room building. You will see the CycleFish Banners in our campsite. Of course everyone is welcome to camp with us, or at least stop by for a beer and say Hi !!!
March 25, 2014 5:54 AM PDT
Looking forwards to doing that Lucky,hopefully my sweetheart will be coming along too.She wants her own ride now,I got her hooked on it LOL

March 25, 2014 8:24 AM PDT
Maybe this year, we'll see