June 15, 2011 4:54 AM PDT
There have been a few topics before about your first bike; I'm curious about a little more than that, though I realize that many will probably talk about their first bike responding to this... it happens.
The bike I'm on now is actually my third; I started on a 650 Yamaha Maxim, it needed more work than I could afford, so I didn't really get in much time on it, just a little local riding, which I had NO business doing, it was not safe; parked it for a while; bought a 1000 Yamaha Virago; it NEVER ran as long as I had it; not for lack of trying; I actually ended up deciding I was in over my head, and traded my 650 for the parts and work to fix it; the parts cost ended up being a LOT more than I had, and more than the agreed value of the 650, so I ended up "losing" both bikes; Which brings me to the bike I want to talk about;
I REALLY have grown to love the Honda CM400 series. I bought it from my mom, who decided she couldn't handle it; It has the power and gearing to easily put down an XS650 off the mark, and has a wider stance and more stability, so I really have been impressed with it's potential as a "touring" bike; There were in fact several models, the 400A (automatic, or "hondamatic"

400E (economy, wire wheels, fewer gauges, etc) 400C (custom, came with options like a 6 speed transmission) and the 400T (touring, available with crash bars, saddlebags, windshield, tourpack, the works). I have the T, though when I got it it was stripped of all those options. The Honda dealership in Warren Ohio actually kicked me out when I declined their pushy attempts to sell me a new bike, when I was there asking for accessories for an "old" one. The bike has been incredibly reliable, very low maintnance, and easy to "retrofit" and improve here and there. I've NEVER been disappointed in it, not once; To be reasonable, yes, I'd like a bigger bike; but truthfully, first loves never die. I don't plan on ever getting rid of this bike; I am planning on a fairly major rebuild, a little minor engine work, paint job, more asthetically pleasing installation of some existing accessories, new exhaust (want it LOUD!); but get rid of it? NEVER.
I would actually kill to own a second one. Why? because they're so darn fun to play with. Go to youtube and check out all the Honda CM400 bobbers that have been built on a skeleton budget, and they'll blow your mind. They make an amazing looking custom, no matter how you build it. There's even a couple that could be mistaken for Harleys at first glance... till you see the engine. I would LOVE to create one of those fun morsels just to play around on.
My point is, I'm sure that everyone has that "first love" bike; maybe not the "best" bike you ever had, may or may not be the first bike you had, that made you love riding, but everyone has bike that stopped their hearts! I'd love to hear about her!
June 15, 2011 8:00 AM PDT
Thanks for sharing your story! My first bike is the one I have now, a '10 Street Bob, duh right? As much as I enjoyed riding with my hubby, I still do, just by his side! Yeah, it's a big bike for a newb...but I handle her just fine! I love the simplicity of the "Bob's"and it excites me every time I ride.
June 15, 2011 11:05 AM PDT
Gday Hawk old mate..When I was a lad our farm was fronted by a bloody steep hill with a dodgey dirt road..I'd often sit out front havin a sly beer and a smoke watchin the traffic go by.Our neighbors were a mix of feral hippies and bikers and were always drunk and stoned and always had shitty jap bikes they would race up and down the road on and crash alot due to their sobriety..One sunny day I'd finished my duties and decided to head out front and have a beer and a smoke when I heard some of the best cussin and rage you'd ever heard..I grabbed a bottle of beer and proceeded to go and see who this bloody nutter goin off his head was..Got out the front and heres one of these hippy/bikers pushin this multi coloured old shitty chopper up the hill in bare feet swearing like the instructor of the swearin school for sailors.I thought to myself" This looks like its gonna end in tears" pulled up a stump and sat and watched this bloody drongo try to bump start this old shit box chopper down the bloody steep hill.It didnt start just gave a fart and a cough and a pop.Sitting there I couldnt help but think"This dickhead has no bloody idea".As I sat drinking my beer another two hippy/bikers turned up to see "Whats happenin man".The 3 drongo's took it in turns to push the shitty old chopper up the hill and try to bump start it still with the same result.The hippy/biker who owned(Stole) the shitty old chopper had one more go,as you can imagine none of these stoners/drunks were terribly fit so they were really starting to show signs of being rooted. I sat and watched this for about an hour until the owner(thief) of the shitty old multi coloured chopper lost his shit at the last attempt of bump starting it.He threw it down on the road and started jumpin up and down on it and kickin it with bare feet.Now even as a lad i was pretty bloody cluey about landing a bargain.I saw the opportunity arise to buy this shitty old multi coloured chopper for a price pretty close to sweet F all..I finished my beer rolled another smoke and calmly walked down and said"Look like your havin a bit of trouble there mate",to which he answered "No shit sherlock" or something similar while still ranting an kickin the thing with bare feet..I said" Well do you wanna sell the old shitter" to which he answered "Ya can have the F'in thing".I said " nah i'll pay ya something for it make a price".He "said I just swapped a grands worth of gear for this friggin thing" to which I answered "I'll give ya 500 cash right now".This hippy/bikers eyes lit up and a deal was struck.I pushed the multi coloured shitbox chopper into our gate way and went up to the house.Grabbed 500 cash outta my stash and paid the drongo.Got the tractor and loaed the multi coloured shitbox chopper on and took it up to the shed to find the problem..I put plugs in it and it fired but wouldnt run .The old bloke I did a bit of musterin and hay carting for when i was a kid came in and asked what I was doin with the old shitbox.I told him how i got it and he said" I rode one of these during WW2 the Yanks had heaps of them".He looked it over and said" no wonder it wont start the timing is retarded as buggery you gotta advance it up to start the bastard".He advanced it up and first kick the multi coloured shitbox chopper roared into life.I was bloody stoked.I rode her outta the shed and straight down the road past the hippies/bikers house where they were all outfront drinking beer and smoking weed..Up and down I roared past them all afternoon tuning the old bastard and test riding.The Hippy/Biker I bought it off got real shitty and at one stage tried to take my head off with a shovel.I rode this bike to work and all over for the next 5 years.I had other bikes as well but the old multi coloured shitbox chopper was always my favorite.I had an offer for it from a bloke in Queensland that I thought was more than reasonable so I sold it.He said put her on a truck and freight her up.As a 19 year old fit lad I thought bugger that I'll ride the 1500 miles up there buy a new bike with the cash and ride home.!500 miles on a rigid old shitbox chopper proved to be ambitious and I wrecked a kidney and was pissing blood by the time I got there..I remember the big smile on the blokes face when i handed him the screwdriver to start that multicoloured shitbox old chopper..Who wouldnt be happy to own a 42 WLA that had been chopped in the 60's and ran like a clock..I was 14 when I bought that old bike and every now and then still smile when I think about her..That was the making of my future on that old bike.There has never been a time in my life where I didnt have a bike an i doubt there ever will..CHEERS BOOF
June 16, 2011 4:05 AM PDT
great post,and yeah the topic may be overly discussed yet one that everyone has a unique perspective on and one which all the newbies can add/relate their own experiences with riding.
My favorite memory was the first time I ever rode on Harley w/sis's b/f who had just returned from Viet Nam !!! He took me on a ride n tried to instill a little fear in me I believe,I was a ornery little smartass,he goosed the throttle good n it caught me sorta offguard almost fell off the back!!! I learned to respct that power early on..;)
stay safe n enjoy the ride all !!!
June 16, 2011 9:47 AM PDT
Great stories! Keep 'em coming! Boof, that's exactly what I was going for! Everyone I know has had "that" bike! No matter what else you ride, you'll always wish you could have that old '42 again!
June 17, 2011 3:37 AM PDT
Golly after reading BOOF'S story, I just don't think another will sound quite as exciting!!! So, I'll make it short and sweet...My first NEW Harley, 1991 1200 Sportster. With a 1-500 factory paint job.The bike I earned my nickname with! The bike that was an extension of myself.. WOW!!! To this day, and parden the vernacular, the ONLY vibrator that I have EVER owned...Ride Free
June 17, 2011 5:43 AM PDT
My first bike was a "still crated" military surplus Harley WLA.
I was working at a service station in the old neighborhood and bought it from a customer.
I wasn't legally old enough to ride it but that was OK, it took me a year or so to clean all the cosmoline off everything, find some missing parts, and get it going.
Being my only form of transportation, not made for long highway travel, and being in the Marines I traded it for a Knuckle with a modern (at that time) transmission.
June 18, 2011 11:34 PM PDT
Think well of all of them.
Honda Hawk comes to mind 1st because it was the first legally owned. - Compared to the others it was as reliable as a rock - Easy to lash gear on - When it did need repairs was easy to get at. - Rode it 15,000 miles in a year
Put it down on gravel roads so many times disguised the scrapes by having it it painted w/ the pebble paint they used for painting car roofs to make them look like convertibles (fashionable @ the time).
Got weird feelings for my Kawa, 2 stroke, 3 cylinder, 400
Bought it from a motorhead buddy as a POS because I wanted to save gas (It is possible that also wanted to do a little riding). - Putted back & forth to work for awhile until one time I really cranked on the throttle & instantly became an AH. - Every traffic light became a Grad Prix - Would take the boonie roads to work to get some knee sliding action in - Would stop @ the bars wearing my Dilbert, short sleeved, white shirt to see if I could get the HD boys to bite on a race - By the time the tires went was bored with it