So this is a question that I suppose I'll direct to the more "seasoned" brothers and sisters out there... I don't know what catagory this goes in, I almost put it in "the garage" and decided not to...
A couple of weeks ago, on the way to work, for the very first time since I EVER started riding... my bike scared me. I can't explain it. I'm not a jittery rider, I'm confident, safe, observant, always have been. I've seen too much and learned to fast to be anything but. All I can say is that for SOME reason, my bike did NOT feel right, AT ALL. The bike that I've loved and trusted since my first ride on her, and she really did not feel right. At first I thought maybe I was tired or something, maybe riding a little fast, or a little stupid... but being nervous has a way of waking you up, so I dismissed that... The funny thing is, that after my shift at work, having looked it over in daylight and seeing nothing visably wrong, I bit the bullet, got back on, and the ride home was fine. I can try to explain how it felt, *handling wise*, lol, when I say the following words, anyone who doesn't ride would be really confused...
It felt BOTH grippy (like when you have a REALLY low tire, especially a front one, and you're going around a bend and the front wheel feels like it's trying to plow sideways, or roll off the wheel)... and SLIPPERY, like the entire way to work I felt like I was riding on a freshly scraped road (the way they make that crap-to-ride-on texture before they re-surface it?) That stuff grabs your tires, yes, but around a curve you feel like the back tire could go out from under you... That's the best I can do to describe what that ride felt like... When I got home, I checked front and rear shocks (esp the back adjustables, to make sure they were equal), tweeked the chain, air pressure, and checked to make sure the brakes weren't dragging... I really didn't know what else to look for. I've riden that same road every night since we got here, never had any issues with it's nuances. Was it nerves? Has anyone else ever had an experience like that? AM I LOSING MY MIND??? LOL