those pictures are awesome, thanks for sharing them with us
Great Pics guess some folks don't know when they have it good compared to the 1800's
I think Raywood went to Sturgis that year!
At least back then if ya ride bloody broke down ya could eat the bastard..CHEERS BOOF
May 25, 2011 12:03 AM PDT
Fantastic, I love old west photographs. Thanks Savage
May 26, 2011 11:04 PM PDT
These pics are absolutely awesome! Thanks for sharing em Savage.
Those Ox in Sturgis put a new meaning to 'STEERing' your ride (o:
July 29, 2011 1:13 AM PDT
Ok, I know I've asked before, but the time is eeking closer, so I want a reminder...ARE YA GOIN'? And also, I was wondering if anyone has room at their campsite for a sneaky pete??? I may be a last minute ride in...YEA!!!
July 29, 2011 2:22 AM PDT
Of course there will always be room for "one more" in our campsite at Glencoe!
And some of those pics are still not to far from the actuality depending on the time of year you are downtown Sturgis!