Idle Curiosity

    • 2 posts
    May 18, 2011 2:39 AM PDT
    Anybody here ever worry about bedbugs?

    Starting to put some travel itineraries together & Little Mother is worried about me bringing home bedbugs (could be worse, could be crabs).
    Offered to stand on the patio & let her sponge bathe me w/ kerosene prior to entering the house but she thought poorly of that.

    Should I just give up & camp every nite or does somebody have a sure fire bedbug preventer?
    • 2 posts
    May 18, 2011 5:15 AM PDT
     I don't have any personal experience with them but, I follow these guidelines (as much as possible). I also take my valuables inside the room and leave my change of clothes in the bathroom. Everything else stays on the bike in the
  • May 18, 2011 3:19 PM PDT
    Haven't experienced any issues so far...but with the latest news bits and articles I tend to check the room out. Fingers crossed!
    • 9 posts
    May 18, 2011 11:49 PM PDT
    Take it from a former Hotel Housekeeper...pull the covers off the bed (all of them) and lift the mattress. THEN DO A THOROUGH inspection, head to toe, flip the mattress, pick up the box spring (or other mattress) and look under it also. Most of the nicer hotels do this after any week-long stay. However, the mid-price hotels and motels, can hardly keep a housekeeper, let alone get one who'll do little more than put CLEAN sheets on a bed. And sometimes, if that bed wasn't a mess, some actually just straighten them up. GROSS. I saw that with my own two eyes at a Disney Resort. ( I used to work there.) They started putting camera's on housekeepers after that.
    Worst case scenario, if you wake up with a red itchy spot, that you didn't go to sleep with, CHANGE HOTELS or sleep in a tent. RIDE ITCH FREE
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    May 19, 2011 1:00 AM PDT
    Think I'll keep my RV.
  • May 19, 2011 1:33 AM PDT
    Just a point to consider! Found a story about a rental car that was a carrier..!!!??? What about an overstuffed chair in a lobby......????
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    May 19, 2011 2:05 AM PDT
    Well my poor neighbor does a lot of travel for his job in construction, somewhere I guess he contracted some bedbugs and brought them home with him. He has a pest service at his house regularly and has actually ended up sleeping outside in his camper for some time. So apparently he is not successful in getting rid of them.
    So the old adage "Sleep tight, and don't let the Bedbugs bite" is still in force!!!
    • 1780 posts
    May 19, 2011 4:49 AM PDT
    I hate to watch those investigative stories about how clean hotel rooms are, you know the ones where they use the ultraviolet lights where you can see all the STUFF you can't see with the bare eye. Makes me want to sleep standing up in a corner when I travel. Wouldn't it be something if the bed bugs ate the little mint they lay on your pillow.