Riding And Meeting For The Economy

  • May 13, 2011 2:45 AM PDT
    All across the nation, Bikers everywhere ride for various causes almost every weekend. And that's a good thing.

    But why not take it a step farther and ride to save-- or help save-- the economy of these united states? You see, since long before the "Recession" started, some communities in America have been increasingly economicly destitute. Many communities throughout the Southland and Heartland never recovered from the Great Depression that started in 1928 and now things are hardly any better. One of these communities is Nutbush, Tennessee, made famous by Tina Turner and later by Bob Segar in Tina's autobiographical song, Nutbush City Limits. Sadly, even with all that fame there came no fortune to Nutbush.

    You see, anywhere people quietly gather en mass, the local economic outlook of that community improves. That's why the more properous via for your Tourists' Dollars. That's why my friend Wooley and I have decided to ride the backroads 600 miles from Greensboro, North Carolina to Nutbush, Tennessee come Fall after the cotton fields 'round Nutbush have been picked and the cotton hauled away to the gin house. And we're hoping others will meet us there.

    If only Wooley and I show up our efforts won't be noticed. If 100 bikers show up the positive effects could last weeks and if thousands show up the positive effects could last for years.

    Downtown Nutbush

    Wooley picked Nutbush because of the lyric, "... Motorcycles ain't allowed in it..." but Nutbush is what we hope will become the first of hundreds of gatherings in small towns and dying communities all across the United States of America.

    This isn't about poilitics or pointing fingers. We could go on forever as to why our economy is in the state it's in. We can argue 'til the end of time about what it will take to rebuild our economy but no matter where you stand on the political spectrum I think we can agree the economy sucks.

    And we're not deluding you or ourselves either. We know that a gathering of bikers in any one place isn't going to turn things around completely but there's no doubt that we can make a difference to Nutbush and other small communities across America simply by going there, spending money on the things we already spend it on (gas, groceries, etc...) and returning home to ready ourselves for the next destination.

    There's still a lot of details to work out but Wooley and I are hoping you'll get on your bikes and meet us in Nutbush, we'll tell you when. 
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    May 13, 2011 6:18 AM PDT
    Sounds very interesting. Keep this forum going.
  • May 13, 2011 12:22 PM PDT
    Thanks, I'll keep you posted.
  • May 14, 2011 3:14 PM PDT
    RexTheRoadDog wrote...
    Sounds very interesting. Keep this forum going.

    I've been incontact with folks there. Here's a link to the converstaion thus far. They seem happy to have us.

  • May 14, 2011 4:35 PM PDT
    Great idea, and this could work anywhere in the country.
    • 2072 posts
    May 15, 2011 2:16 AM PDT
    I think that is an awesome idea. Something that COULD catch on through out the country. Please keep us informed as to how it turns out.....