Good riddance another aching sore on the body of humanity removed !!!! Evil will always beget evil,and those who live by the sword will perish by it,this is fitting justice for the leader of a movement based on death n hatred !!!
This old Marine is cautiously happy.
Stay alert stay alive, these clowns aren't done, and they could be anywhere with our loose immigration policies, almost nonexistent southern border, and our clueless Homeland Security director.
Thank you Seals... Proud day to be an American!! Burial at sea was too good for that bastard...Celebrate USA!!!!! God doesn't like ugly...
In the words of Toby Keith.... They put a boot in your ass........ Cause it's the American way
We won another battle, but we haven't won the war. Stay vigilant and alert. RevBig John, our northern border is just as porous as our southern border, They're very quiet about the border that i live very close to.
We won another battle, but we haven't won the war. Stay vigilant and alert. RevBig John, our northern border is just as porous as our southern border, They're very quiet about the border that i live very close to.
I live along Lake Erie, a lot of open water to cover, but Canada is a hell of a lot more concerned about security than is Mexico.
Good shooting!
Yes America ....... Have yourself a beer, sing the Star Spangle Banner, waive the American flag, pat each other on the back,................Just make sure you are not in a lessen state of alertness when the next Strike comes, and it will come! Stay vigilant, watch people, report people that are acting strange, like not standing at ball games for the Star Spangle Banner. Challenge people, ask questions, don't be afraid to Challenge strange people.
Stay Strong America.......Stay Awake America, and be prepaired to attack if need be.
Never in the History of the United States have we had our guard down in 9/11, except for maybe Pearl Harbor, and then we eventully came back with a avengence!
This Country shall never bow to such radicals!!
Oh hell better stop
Night Dragon
Bin Laden's last words upon hearing that his compound was under attack, "Navy Seals? I need them like I need a hole in the head."
I'm really glad the Navy Seals were finally able to administer justice for Bin Laden's victims. Its a great day for America.
Yes. There will probably be ramifications. But we had to do SOMEthing. And hopefully the same justice will be meted out to the next leader of an extremist cell.
Breaking News:
All convenient stores, mini marts, cheap hotels, and 7-11's will be closed this week due to a death in the family !!!
This picture just in from the coast of pakistan..The experts are saying somebody musta dropped something very bloody toxic into the ocean to kill all these fish so quickly..CHEERS BOOF
Guess who's bloody funeral he's goin to..CHEERS BOOF
Well done seal team 6! Enjoy a cold one you guys deserve it. How about taking some of the 25 million and sending the seals and all their families on a great vacation somewhere.

yeah, but do you think they will see any of it??? I sure hope it does go to the families and service personel. But that makes too much sense.
As far as ramifications, that goes without question. Of course they are pissed off... we took out the most wanted of them all! hahaha! But that shouldn't deter us or anyone for doing the right thing. I mean take it to the streets of america. isn't that why no one wants to get involved when they see a crime? Everyone is afraid of ramifications. Do we turn our heads to the gang bangers shooting up our city streets because we're afraid of retaliation. NO!
Another one bites the dust. Sure it is not the end of it, but at least we're not a bunch of pussy's that look the other way and say... maybe if we don't bother them they won't bother us. We stand, proud, fearless, and strong.
i'd rather die standing; than hiding
I can't fathom all the reasons that a burial at sea was the only option.
I was kinda confused about that too at first, but i think it is a good thing because no one can make a shrine of his burial site and no one wanted his remains. Let the scavengers of the sea have him...
Would really suck if he washed up somewhere! lol.