The Right to Free Speech

    • 58 posts
    March 2, 2011 11:15 AM PST
    Well the wackos from KS won their argument in front of the Supreme Court.  While I have to agree with the court's decision, I must add that just because something is legal doesn't make it moral or ethical.  Just saying....   What are your thoughts?

    The following was received from PGR National:

    The Patriot Guard Riders are a 501c3 organization of support and caring for our military members, veterans, and families.  Our mission is to stand for them in their loss and grief and help them to know that there are still people who are aware of the sacrifice their families have made and to show our honor and respect for their service.

    The PGR mission is only completed at the request of the family.  It's a necessary part of our respect for them.  It also has nothing to do with any organized hate groups that conduct protests to hurt them.  We shield our families with our care and support.  While we stand that line or escort, nothing matters to us except our hero and family.

    We respect the right to free speech recognized in our country's founding documents.  It's one of the freedoms that define America.  Many of our members have served and sworn an oath to support these rights.  As an organization, we have to respect the decision of the courts and though our membership has diverse views on the limitation of free speech.  Such limitations have been established previously to object to "hate speech" that only offers protection to designated individuals or groups.

    The true travesty in this is that we would ever need to consider the "right" of someone to protest at the funeral of an American military member that has given their oath and life to defend these rights. 

    The Patriot Guard Riders will always stand to honor and shield our fallen and their families.  Our mission is founded on respect, and honor, and the debt we owe those that protect us.

    James Davis
    Patriot Guard Riders
    Board of Directors/VP Captains

    We in East Texas will continue to follow the guidelines of the national organization and focus our support on our fallen heroes and their families.  If the occasion arises that any group chooses to protest, or in any way attempt to disrupt a service taking place in our area, we will shield the family from that disruption.  If any other action is taken, it will be done so by law enforcement officials. 

    As always, your continued dedication to honoring our fallen heroes is appreciated. 

    • 2072 posts
    March 2, 2011 12:27 PM PST
    As a proud member of the Patriot Guard Riders I am very familiar with Phelps and his band of lunatics. And like you, I agree with the courts decision. Does that make them right...... HELL NO. However, freedom of speech is one of this countries foundations. It's one of those freedoms that our young men have been fighting and dieing for. I feel the best way to deal with this type of low-life is to just ignore them and that goes especially for the media. Every time they are on the news, more people hear their sick rantings and see the stupid signs they so proudly wave. By simply ignoring them it sends them a strong message........ You aren't worth our time or effort. I think (No, I know) the vast majority of people in the United States see them for what they are....... Insane !!! I can remember a piece of advise my Grandfather gave me as a youngster dealing with bullies......... Just ignore them. If they see they aren't getting under your skin, they will tire and go pick on somebody else.
    • 9 posts
    March 2, 2011 4:19 PM PST
    Freedom of speech is one thing. The courts decision had more to do with the right to freely debate. One question, who at a funeral is gonna debate anything? There is NO debate. There are only crushed family members and close friends. While I staunchly (normally) defend our constitutional rights, I find no justice in today's decision to allow disgusting protesters (under whatever guise) to mock the people attending a funeral. I'll bet they wouldn't feel the same if it were their child's funeral and someone were to mock them. Judging by the T-shirts I saw these protesters wearing on tv, I find it hard to believe that there hasn't been some kind of violent outcome. But like one soldier's Dad said, "one day, blood will be shed over this" and "the blood will be on the Supreme Court's hands". I agree.
    Ride Free
    P.S. If you'd like to see the Patriot Guard in action, go to and pull up the Soldiers Funeral. Be prepared for the video of the Phelps clan.
    Supreme anger was my reaction.  (I'm a techno-challengee, that's why I didn't post it, sorry!)
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    March 2, 2011 4:59 PM PST
    Fred Phelps and his family (the only members of his congregation) have a very strange way of trying to get their agenda across.
    What confuses me about the Supreme Court's decision is it over rules the "Hate Law" written by the ADL and passed by both the House and Senate, and signed into law by the President.
    We have 3 parts of government The Judicial (Supreme Court), Legislative (Congress / Senate), and Executive (The President).
    Apparently this decision makes the "Hate Law" void?
  • March 2, 2011 9:50 PM PST
    I do feel that this is going to have a very violent outcome and would love to protest at one of there funeral. What ever happend to WE the People  this group of wack jobs have to be stoped

  • March 2, 2011 10:51 PM PST
    I firmly believe in our constitution and its protection of free speech, but hate that is spread under the name of religion has no place in this freedom. I am surprised at the vote of a relatively conservative United States Supreme Court. However, it does also apply to those of us that find the behavior of these people abhorrent, the right to speak our minds as well.
    That said, In my defense and under the same law which protects these individuals; I repudiate their stand and will deny their beliefs with my whole being. I do not find then in any form Christian We have an obligation to stand for what is right, decent and honorable. I believe this group has no honor nor decency.
    • 1 posts
    March 2, 2011 11:40 PM PST
    Olenorthpole wrote...
    I firmly believe in our constitution and its protection of free speech, but hate that is spread under the name of religion has no place in this freedom. I am surprised at the vote of a relatively conservative United States Supreme Court. However, it does also apply to those of us that find the behavior of these people abhorrent, the right to speak our minds as well.
    That said, In my defense and under the same law which protects these individuals; I repudiate their stand and will deny their beliefs with my whole being. I do not find then in any form Christian We have an obligation to stand for what is right, decent and honorable. I believe this group has no honor nor decency.

    ...and that's all I'm gunna say!!!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    March 3, 2011 12:14 AM PST
    True freedom of speech does come at a price and this fee is that it is extended to wackos like the Kansas group. I am thinking a possible solution for their showing up is to quietly surround them in large numbers thereby rendering them as invisible. Although that is not what I really want to do...
    • 846 posts
    March 3, 2011 12:38 AM PST
    I to can’t disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision. The freedom of speech is one of our most fundamental rights and tampering with it in any form (regardless of how we and I disagree with its present use) takes away all our rights.
    How it is presently being distorted by the Phelps band of yoyo’s (replace with your own expletive) is a disgrace. This is a total lack of just plain respect for another human being. It doesn’t ever come down to a religious matter. It’s a matter for respect.
    Through it does boil my blood I think our friend Rob (BlvdCruiser) had it right. Ignoring the bastards (media especially) would go a long in removing there tyrants.
  • March 3, 2011 3:53 AM PST
    Somehow, I don't believe the founding fathers or the writers of our Constitution envisioned "Free Speech" as being defined as protesting at military funerals. Counter protests are not the answer because lets face it, the "event" is a funeral of a fallen servicemember.

    I think there are two ways to go...

    First, the local laws would need to be changed to outlaw ANY type of protest within say 1500 feet of the cemetary.

    Second, I wonder, when they are standing there spouting their trash, what would happen if a bunch of bikes just happened to be sitting there, cracking their throttles every time they tried to say something.....Hmmm, just a thought. Course, being retired military and a combat vet, my first thought / impulse is to just smack them up the side of the head, but that wouldn't work. I would only have fun with two or three before I got myself arrested.

    Lastly, I don't believe this is over. It will rise until it bursts regretfully. While I agree with the decision in the plain bare eyes of the law, I disagree that any compassion, mercy, or common sense was rendered as part of the decision.
  • March 3, 2011 4:53 AM PST
    Keep in mind everyone, that the Supreme Court also has struck down the laws on desecration of the US flag as being unconstitutional. The trend raises it's head again....
  • March 3, 2011 5:19 AM PST
    The Patriot in me says go out and stand in front of these wacs and try and get them to make some sort of move on me so i can hurt a few of them. The law says I can't do that so the best way to deal with them is to do what the PGR does on invitation by the family's is to stand in line with flags between this group and the family of lost soldiers (out of sight out of mind ) My dad use to say when he was alive son i fought a war so even the( A** HOLES can say what they want and not be persecuted )
    • 601 posts
    March 3, 2011 6:55 AM PST
    I'm not too well up on this but I have read about these loons from the Phelps group, personally they sicken me, if they tried that in Ireland, their next vehicle would be a or no law. We too have a constitution with rights, and the right to free speech is enshrined...but...our constitution states that with these rights come responsibilities,and any abuse of the rights is punished under law, what these clowns do at military funerals would bet them 3 years in prison here...if the cops managed to catch them first!
    • 44 posts
    March 3, 2011 11:48 AM PST
    God Bless America and our troop in harms way and all Veterans!! That being siad let Fred Phelps and his family Come to protest in my town!! I fear thing would be BAD.Freedom of speach is something we as Veterans fought an die for but its time we as PROUD AMERICANS stand up and sheild these familys from these ?**?****?? what ever you want to call them.I am willing to travel if they are in my area to protest and sheild familys from them who else is willing to??
    • 44 posts
    March 3, 2011 11:54 AM PST
    Oh yea one more thing Fred Phelps Should you read this MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL You are reading the wrong book
    • 567 posts
    March 3, 2011 1:10 PM PST
    I too ride with the Patriot Guard Riders and am proud to stand for our fallen soldiers and their families. Although I do support the tennants of our Constitution, I think that the Westboro group is way off base with how they exercise their right to free speech.
    I think its ironic that these hate-mongers are protesting at the funeral of the very person who gave his or her life in defense of the same Consititution that guarantees them that right to protest.
    • 3006 posts
    March 3, 2011 2:59 PM PST
    I may not like what a person has to say yet I will defend unto death their right to say it,...

    Of course in situations that are an assault on the common dignity one would afford any grieving family I would advocate forming a human shield,with the intent to act as seperation respectfully speaking to all involved,its their right to peacefully intervene with those not providing that common respect due those familys,especially those familys who have lost a loved one serving in some foreign place.Human arrogance never cease's to amaze me...:/