January 24, 2011 6:06 PM PST
From the moment I got my night train in 09 the rear light PLASTIC bracket just F**KED me off.
Reason 1. it is plastic. reason 2. it supports a lugage rack that can carrysod all weight. reason 3. it looks wrong. reason 4. it is plastic.
So here is my very simple solution.
1, Mark out your falt plate after making a cardboard mock design.
2. cut it out and trim accordingly to make fit....don't trim too much at one go, keep offering it up to check you are going in the right direction.
3. When you have final fit, mark for light and plate holes.
4.dry run fitment and then when satisfied send off to powder coater or chromer.
I will put up the finished one when it returns from the powder coater during the week.
January 24, 2011 7:32 PM PST
Nice job buddy. I too hate plastic parts too, as a big person i'm always breaking the stuff. Harley Davidson needs to stop making crap out of plastic and then making the same part out of metal and selling it to me as a aftermarket part, when it should have been on the damn bike in the first place!!!
January 25, 2011 12:32 AM PST
I love to see people take a chance and start working ontheir own bikes! Most worry too much about the warranty. Remember the Magnason Act guys, dealer had to prove that what you did cause a system failure. For instance, I just keep my oil and filter receipts.
You should check at most hardware stores. They make a needle shape follower. It looks like a big metal comb with no gaps between the pins and the pins slide. You can press it up under the fender and get the exact shape. What you made is cool as hell though. Post a pic once it's all painted up and done.
January 25, 2011 12:32 AM PST
Good work for a "Drunken Fool"
January 25, 2011 7:58 AM PST
Good work for a "Drunken Fool"
Well you just gotta support your local drunken fool!

Thank you bulldogjim and I will put up more pics when I get the stuff back from the coaters.
January 25, 2011 10:03 AM PST
That looks good like to see when you get it back been looking for a reson to take mine off Thanks for the Idea
January 31, 2011 1:06 AM PST
The parts arrived back from the powder coaters at the week-end now all remains for me to do is re-assemble the whole lots.
January 31, 2011 1:15 AM PST
What did that cost? I'm thinking about having my fender struts re-chromed next winter
January 31, 2011 1:29 AM PST
The rear bracket, fender struts and levers cost me 90 euro to get powder coated.....don't know what that is in Dollars.
Just worked it out on line about 123 dollars apparently.
February 4, 2011 1:53 AM PST
Re-assembly took place yesterday and it turn out grand.
Tha whole lot of fotos can be seen here
February 4, 2011 2:16 AM PST
Very nicely done
February 4, 2011 2:20 AM PST
Thanks Lucky, I just hope it shows you don't need to spent a fortune to get what you want.
I did not use any specialist tools, none are needed and I really hope it shows how easy it is!
November 17, 2011 12:03 PM PST
I started looking at my bike several years back differently. At the time, being on a budget helped. Try to do 1 inexpensive project a week. Here are a couple of samples. Change all bulbs to LED. Cost $32. You know those $100 shift rods? Go to the plumbing supply, get a chrome 18' riser for a sink (supply tube) Measure, cut,remove heim joint and install. Cost $3.60 chrome plated copper. Slides right over the stock rod.Cant tell from the expensive ones.I have a fatboy with footboards, right boot always melting on the pipes. Got a piece of 1/8 stainless, copied the floorboard guards that cost $60 a pair. Cost free salvage and it polishes nice.Just take your time to do it right and it will look right. Big time customizers make cool bikes outa scrap, you can too.