The gauntlet has been thrown

    • 1 posts
    January 16, 2011 11:45 PM PST
    Even tho this guy p's me off, his team is attempting something way cool - Not as cool as the 52 Vincent LSR but cool
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    January 17, 2011 12:59 AM PST
    I wish him luck. Fascinating;....

    and speaking of 52 Vincents... here is Del McCoury's version of Richard Thompson's song

  • January 17, 2011 5:12 AM PST
    Its a cool bike and i liked the needless T&A standing around it but apparently this british team has never been to the salt flats, its smooth but not perfectly smooth. I noticed their bike had very little clearance and another thing I myself would not want to be sitting on the type of seat they had when the 275 horse power motor turned on and hit its stride. As far as the fastest kilometer test, well in America we don't recognize the metric system and besides thats not the top speed is it!!!
    • 0 posts
    January 17, 2011 6:03 AM PST
    What a friggin WANKER..Goodluck with that you cocky Pommy wanker....Me gets the feeling the bloody thing will turn into ditch digger.Way to bloody close to the deck to be racing on salt and when they lift it up,their sophisticated aerodynamic package wont be worth shit..CHEERS BOOF
  • January 17, 2011 11:38 AM PST
    Good point from 'wheels' about it's not really top speed. You definately need more room than they have over there. I'm certain they will come to Bonneville sometime in the future. After all, it's the true test!
    • 1 posts
    January 18, 2011 2:28 AM PST
    Neat thing about LSRs, pretty much pure engineering until they actually make the run & find the deficiencies in the theory, then improvise.
    Ground clearance problems will be found fast enough. Would also worry about the position of the air intake, seems like it will suck up a lot of salt.

    Seems like cheating having the resources of Airbus backing you but I hope Victory picks up the gauntlet & works w/ a university to challenge (not much reason for HD to get into it, they already have a dog in the fight)

    Like the music in your vid but the graphics in this one />
    When Vincent actually attempted the LSR run the rider found that his leathers flapped & limited the top speed. - Stripped down to tennis shoes, skivvies & a shower cap and got the record - The record stood for something like 20 years until an entire factory team broke it

    p.s.: Wheels, there is no such thing as "needless" T&A, we really, really need it
  • January 18, 2011 5:53 AM PST
    My bad on using the word "needless" change that in my post to "required" damn what the hell was i thinking sorry.
    • 846 posts
    January 18, 2011 7:25 AM PST
    I wish them the best. But what wrong with the american way, strapping a big a$$ engine to a brick. It's worked for us for quite some time now.