January 9, 2011 11:17 AM PST
I went to the lake today and passed the Ozawkie cemetery. Nearly six year ago my friend Ricky passed away. I went to his funeral but couldn't go to his burial. He was a Vet and a damn good man.
He was the kind of guy who would run in front of people to step on the pressure pad, so that an automatic door would open for them. He always had a smile, didn't matter who you were or where you were in life. He would challenge his co-workers when charity events took place, that if they raised more than him, he would wear a wig. He always lost, so that others would win. That's just how he was.
I've never known where he was buried, just the cemetery, but didn't really know where it was. We saw the sign today and my husband asked if I wanted to stop and try to find his grave and I wasn't sure, so he turned around and went anyway. To make a long story short, we searched and searched (thankfully it's a rather small country cemetery) but couldn't find him.
Just as we were about to leave, we saw a golden eagle circling at the east end of the cemetery. I asked my husband to stop the car and I walked (the long way of course, lol) to right under where the eagle was circling. The headstones were covered with snow and there's no way I would have ever seen his marker, especially since it was flat. But there it was... I brushed away the snow and saw his name. Almost six years after his death, I finally made it to his grave. When he was alive, he asked me to make him a medicine wheel, but he died before I could get it done. After he died, I had no where to take it to, so I haven't made it yet. I'll be making that medicine wheel next weekend and taking it to his grave to hang there.
I know this is a little out of what the thread is about, but I wanted Ricky to know that his service, his friendship, and his time here on earth wasn't just appreciated, it was cherished.
RIP Mr. Clean, I miss the hell outta you and hope you've finally found that serenity you were searching for. Love you man...
January 9, 2011 1:33 PM PST

Ah, if we only had a million more like you Razncain.
January 9, 2011 2:35 PM PST
Thought I would add an Airborne Paratrooper but at least it is a real setting and jumps.
Saw it and makes me want to jump again! Song name is "Blood on the Risers"
January 10, 2011 12:42 AM PST
OK, we had the Marine vid, so I had to post an Army Vid. Army Aviation that is. I origionaly wanted to enlist for Armor, but in their infinate wisdom, the army said I couldn't, so they put me in aviation on chinooks to start. What a ball!!
January 10, 2011 12:45 AM PST
Thought I would add an Airborne Paratrooper but at least it is a real setting and jumps.
Saw it and makes me want to jump again! Song name is "Blood on the Risers"
That is some crazy shit my Brother
January 10, 2011 1:02 AM PST
Thought I would add an Airborne Paratrooper but at least it is a real setting and jumps.
Saw it and makes me want to jump again! Song name is "Blood on the Risers"
Cool Seakers

! As for myself, I just couldn't see jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft, even if it was a helicopter! LOL!!
January 11, 2011 11:33 AM PST
I am with ya on that one Stan lol