Making Do this Christmas...

    • 9 posts
    December 16, 2010 11:24 PM PST

    It was about a month ago, that our world, as we knew it, came crashing down. And while there's blame enough to go around, I'm sitting here thinking, that it could've been on helluva lot worse. We're all alive, we have a roof over our heads, we have income. Sure, it's not quite the same, but it beats the heck out of the alternatives. That all this had to happen now, during the holidays, it sorta felt like a higher power, thought we needed a reality check. Maybe. Or maybe, it's just the way the washload came out. Like, there was no "bad" karma, just a bit of bad luck. Whatever the case may be, we will just have to make due this Christmas, and be grateful. Because in the long run, as long as we have each other, our health, and the few necessities that it takes to exist, there isn't a thing on this earth that matters as much. When I watch the news, and see the stories about folks who've lost a loved one, or a home to some unforseen tragedy, or see the faces of children, who won't get a thing for christmas, I don't have ANY right to feel the least bit sorry for myself. Think about that, when you're opening your presents this year. And try not to lament the fact that you didn't get that set of straight pipes you've been hankerin' for. Chances are, you'll get them eventually. And if it feels right, pick an angel off of one of those trees you see at the mall or shopping center, and buy a little something for a child who would be more than overjoyed. It's a small thing to do, but it will make a BIG difference to someone. And, it will make you feel good knowing you could help. Isn't that what Christmas is really all about, anyway?  Just sayin...RIDE FREE  Tweek



    • 1 posts
    December 17, 2010 12:18 AM PST
    Tweek....I know ya probably don't want to hear this..."BUT THIS TOO SHALL PASS".     Things could always be a lot worse and for some folks...they are worse.  The Holidays have become to commercialized that you are lead to believe that "you're the only one" not going to the mall.      I really don't need anything so not getting any presents really doesn't bother me.  At least ya don't have 4' of snow down there.
    • 601 posts
    December 17, 2010 5:56 AM PST
    Heya Tweek, hope things improve soon, I know its christmas and we all expect a wee bit more, but heres a bit of a story, it won't cheer you up much....but it may show a bit of reality on what christmas is supposed to be all about...

    About two thousand years ago, in the town of Nazareth, there lived a young woman named Mary. She was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter. One day an angel appeared before her and told her she had been chosen to have a special baby. The baby would be God's son and she must call him Jesus.Soon after the angel's visit, Mary and Joseph were married. Mary was due to have her baby when they were told they had to go on a long journey to Bethlehem, which was where Joseph came from.This was because they had to pay a special tax. Mary had to ride on a donkey for a few days over the hills of Gallilee.
    At last Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem. It was crowded with other people who needed to pay their taxes. Mary was very tired and needed a place to stay. At each inn, the story was the same. There was no room for them. Eventually, one kind innkeeper said he had a stable where he kept his animals. They were welcome to stay there. And so it was that a few hours later, Mary gave birth to her son in that stable. She wrapped Jesus in strips of cloth and laid Him in a manger full of hay.

  • December 18, 2010 12:32 AM PST
    hey Tweek i hear where ya are comin from. for me its all about the little ones. I could care less if i get anything for Christmas or not just as long as the little ones enjoy themselves whether it be with pressnets or just playing and having an enjoyable day with family is what its all about for me afterall Christmas is supossed to be a celebration of life not a dpressing day of wishing we had this or that. just being around friends and family is the best way i know of to spend the holidays
    • 223 posts
    December 18, 2010 3:56 AM PST
    I hear ya Tweek.  My kids are getting nothing this year and they understand.  Our house is in foreclosure, but we have a home to live in.  We're being sued out the ass for bills, but they'll just have to wait.  We don't make ends meet so we have to borrow money every month just to get by.  But I have a job, we have a vehicle and we've been able to find ways to help others pay their bills and get groceries, which to us is really what it's about. 

    My husband was injured at work a year and a half ago, six months after his injury, his company terminated him, he'd been there for 16 years.  He's received no workman's comp, no disability, nothing since July 14, 2009.  But the whole point of that is, he's alive, and he shouldn't be.  He's been in the hospital three times, each at least a week.  Twice, it was ICU and both times there, the docs met me at his door and told me he wouldn't live through the night.  He still has horrible days where I wonder if I'm going to lose him but he always pulls through.  We've been to every specialist imaginable, and we've still had no real answers.  His medications and doctor bills are more than I make in a month, but somehow, through the grace of our Creator and help from friends and family, we make it.

    I get tired, hell I get down right exhausted.  I'm the only one working and I can't afford to get sick or have the surgies I need because I dont' have enough PTO saved up to take the time off.  But... I have a job and my medical conditions can just wait.  Fortuantely, I have a high tolerance for pain and just keep plugging onwards, lol!

    Believe me, there are days I want to give up, but it's just not worth it.  My philosophy in life is to kick the day in the ass, say "Good Morning, World!" and just start over.  Sounds simplistic, but it really does work if you allow it.  Yes, things are difficult, but that doesn't mean there's no hope.  We're all alive, we have what we need, even if we don't have what we want, and that's what counts.

    As much as we'd like to get the kids something for Christmas, our greatest gift is that of family and the fact that my husband is alive to spend each day with us.  I work on Christmas and my gift to others may be just simply being there.  I work in a hospital and many of my patients have no family.

    The best thing I can do this Christmas is helping others, being perhaps the only smiling face someone sees, saying "Merry Christmas," hugging those I love, and telling them that I love them.

    As folks keep saying, "This too shall pass..." and it will, in it's own time and in it's own way.  It's all part of the journey that we're on so allow the experience to enrich you and even if it doesn't seem enjoyable, just look in another direction and see the beauty there.

    Hugs and much love to you, my friend... it WILL get better!


    • 9 posts
    December 18, 2010 4:49 AM PST
    You are a gracious and couragious lady. I will be praying for you and your family. No one truly knows what the lives of others is like, unless they open up and share. I hope you know that God is with you, and sees into your heart. He knows your worries, and will always be there for you. Your children understand, more than you know, and will be fine. My mother was the one person who always said, "this too shall pass". And she was right. Knowing that doesn't always help. But remember, you are not alone. Ride Free