December 4, 2010 4:27 PM PST
Don't have to watch Susan Boyle, I remember very well her performance, don't need to start the waterworks again. :'-)
The vid of your son gave me goosebumps, NDragon... could feel the parental pride channeling through the int@rwebz I guess.

Thanks for persevering and sharing that moment.
December 4, 2010 11:43 PM PST
Fantastic Kenny, congrats to your son and you.
"Never Forget Your Dreams"
Korczak Ziolkowski, Sculptor of the Crazy Horse Memorial
December 5, 2010 11:09 AM PST
Cool stuff! Good for him!
December 5, 2010 11:12 AM PST
Congratulations - I'm a little envious but congratulations just the same
December 5, 2010 3:45 PM PST
i am not licensed, but have flown fixed wing, 172s and 182s, incredible feeling, i can only imagine your sons joy. i am not going to say i am a little envious, hell i am jealous. congrats to the young man for achieving his dream, and to a father that enabled him to see his dream to fruition. outstanding!
December 5, 2010 5:08 PM PST
December 6, 2010 1:05 AM PST
How absolutely awesome that he's got (one of) his dreams and of course you have one of yours - to see your son achieve in life.
Big hugs to ya both and well done - not only on getting there but also for finally managing to upload the vid
Hugs (o: