November 23, 2010 7:56 PM PST
Well, Uncle Sam just did me again! I just found out tonite, that my previous employer did not have to carry unemployment insurance, due to the fact that she had less than 10 employees. As a general rule, I don't ask potential employers if they carry unemployment insurance when they hire me. A mistake I won't ever be making again, economy or not. The real kicker is, that I was counting on that money to help finance me in my own business venture. Since I won't be getting unemployment, I AM SCREWED. The start up license fees are just under $200 bucks, but at this point, it might as well be more. Everthing I needed to start working, was ready to go, all I had left to do, was register the ficticious name and get the occupational license!
I can't go to the bank as an unemployed venture capitalist, they'd laugh me out the door, well that and the fact that I'm already carrying a loan for my son's college education. (Thank God for deferred payment). Sorry if I sound a little bitchy ya'll, here or on any of my other posts tonite. But this was a major set back, at a time when those, seem to be par for the course. I'm beginning to wonder, just what the hell I did in a previous life, to reap all this unfortunate karma. If anyone knows how I can break this bad mo-jo, hit me up. I got nothing to lose by listening...

Ride Free
Well, now I feel foolish. All that ranting, and there are others out here with even bigger problems. Sometimes God smacks me, and he did! First, our friend in need, then, when I least expected it, my friends at church came thru for me with the start up monies. WOW! See, just when it's darkest, comes the dawn! Faith is a beautiful thing!!! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Ride Free...
November 24, 2010 12:58 AM PST
How long were you with this employer? You may be able to go back one step, to the last one. I've heard of it being one. Just a thunk.
November 24, 2010 7:24 AM PST
Ive owned several businesses and have never heard of this rule about number of employees. If you worked for your last employer for at least 4 quarters, about a year lets say you should qualify for unemployment insurance. RufCut is right though you can combine different jobs to come up with a sum of money you earned over 4 quarters. This is what your benefits are based on. I'm not sure if you filed dor unemployment or just took the word of your old boss, but either way you can always file for it and they have to give you a reason in writing why you don't qualify. Then you can enter arbitration with the unemployment office and your old boss and rarely do employees who were laid off due to no fault of their own doing lose. Everyone who qualifies gets at least 26 weeks of unemployment coverage. I hope things work out for you.
November 24, 2010 7:56 AM PST
Do look into Women's groups on getting loans for your business. Because you are a female you have a good chance at getting help from them. You have to search the web and do some research but they are out there. Also because you are a female you may qualify for Government assistance with your business and could possible qualify for a grant.....ya don't have to pay back. You will need a written business plan , can't hurt to give it a shot. Prayers for your business to take off.
November 24, 2010 11:27 PM PST
Tweek this might make ya feel a little better.....after I retired from the Fed's I started a consultant business. Droped about $10,000.00 getting it starting..........................went no where. I had one client, and I think he died! Angel Eyes told me not to do it, but dumb ass me didn't listen. That's why I work in Security now.
Looks like I didn't check 6 on that move
November 25, 2010 1:57 AM PST
I've owned this particular business for years, just let it go dormant for a bit. Changed the name, cause I like to start fresh, plus most of my old clients were up north. Now that I'm a southern gal, it just seems right. I need to get a clunker to carry my tools of the trade, but I can make do for now. Anybody want a tax right off on a car, give me a shout. LOL
Gotta go cook, so I'll c-ya'll! Ride Free
November 25, 2010 2:25 AM PST
I've owned this particular business for years, just let it go dormant for a bit. Changed the name, cause I like to start fresh, plus most of my old clients were up north. Now that I'm a southern gal, it just seems right. I need to get a clunker to carry my tools of the trade, but I can make do for now.
Anybody want a tax right off on a car, give me a shout. LOL
Gotta go cook, so I'll c-ya'll! Ride Free
Can I get a tax write of if I give ya a step son's girlfriend.....please....LOL
November 25, 2010 11:22 AM PST
Do look into Women's groups on getting loans for your business. Because you are a female you have a good chance at getting help from them. You have to search the web and do some research but they are out there. Also because you are a female you may qualify for Government assistance with your business and could possible qualify for a grant.....ya don't have to pay back. You will need a written business plan , can't hurt to give it a shot. Prayers for your business to take off.
Thanks so much, hon! I will check into some of this, I had heard that since Obama, they are a little more generous with funds with some people. At this point, it can't hurt to check some things out. Appreciate your thoughtfulness! Happy T Day, and God Bless.

Ride Free
November 29, 2010 12:07 AM PST
Was going to offer to provide a kiss ex-post-facto but what you did will probably work out better.
Tough people of good will usually get thru things in one piece - Keep us posted