November 10, 2010 9:48 PM PST
This is great!> This is one of the best thing I've read in ages!!!!! I wish I could go there for dinner!!!!
> Montana Restaurant: This is a great story!
> The radio station America FM was doing one of its "Is Anyone Listening?" bits this morning. The first question was, "Ever have a celebrity pull up with the 'Do you know who I am?' routine?"
> A woman called in and said that a few years ago, while visiting her cattle rancher uncle in Billings , MT , she had occasion to go to dinner at a restaurant that does not take reservations. The wait was about 45 minutes; many ranchers and their wives were waiting.
> Ted Turner and his wife Jane Fonda came in the restaurant and wanted a table. The hostess informed them that they'd have to wait 45 minutes. Jane Fonda asked the hostess, "Do you know who I am?" The hostess answered, "Yes, but you'll have to wait 45 minutes."
> Then Jane asked if the manager was in. When the manager came out, he asked, "May I help you?" "Do you know who we are?" both Ted and Jane asked.
> "Yes, but these folks have been waiting, and I can't put you ahead of them."
> Then Ted asked to speak to the owner. The owner came out, and Jane again asked, "Do you know who I am?" The owner answered, "Yes, I do. Do you know who I am? I am the owner of this restaurant and I am a Vietnam Veteran.
> Not only will you not get a table ahead of my friends and neighbors who have been waiting here, but you also will not be eating in my restaurant tonight or any night. Good bye." Only in America - what a great country.
> To all who received this e-mail, this is a true story and the name of the steak house is: Sir Scott's Oasis Steakhouse, 204 W. Main, Manhattan , MT, 59741, (406) 284-6929 If you ever get there, give this fellow a sharp salute, buy a steak, and tip the waitress. >
> We should never forget our national traitor!
Thank a VET and Welcome Them Home!!!

November 10, 2010 11:08 PM PST
Taco...... That is AWESOME !!!!! Thank you for posting it !!!!
November 10, 2010 11:40 PM PST
Awesome - and heartwarming (o:
November 10, 2010 11:44 PM PST
Intitle or Entitle and entitlment-----You get what you deserve and have earned...Our Veterans deserve and should be HONORED. A good day to fly your flag and offer a hand in thanks....USN DD-944 1966-1970
November 11, 2010 12:17 AM PST
November 11, 2010 1:54 AM PST
Great story Taco That woman should have went to prison or been barred from ever coming back to the states. F...CK that bitch, and what the hell was Ted Turner thinking when he married her. Her dad was one of my favorites and her brother was Capt. America in the easy rider movie. She sure F..cked up!
November 11, 2010 2:56 AM PST
Thanks, great story and fitting for today.
November 11, 2010 3:35 AM PST
Outstanding!!! Luv it when Hanoi Jane gets her just dues...
C/227th AHB
1st Cav Div (AM)
III Corps
November 11, 2010 4:12 AM PST
ATTA BOY Sir Scotts and Taco. Ask a previous wife of mine what happend to the bitches exercise tapes she brought home when they almost made it out of the shrink wrap one day.
November 11, 2010 4:25 AM PST
Thanks for that post TACO....would love to buy that guy a steak and a beer, and thank him in person. I love to hear stories of this nature. I'm rolling with wheels here......Hey Ted do ya feel like a dumb shit now days........