October 3, 2010 4:02 AM PDT
Can anyone help? My son's Intruder won't start. This is his sole transport, so till it's fixed, he has my RK. It has always been hard to start when cold but yesterday (temp in 60's) wouldn't start at all. We know it has carb issues and think that may be it. It starts stuttering at around 70mph. He was told at local shop there is no rebuild kit for his carbs and parts would be $400.00, labor $200.00. Sounds to me like somebody is stickin it. This is a '97 Suzi VS800. Thanks, Rufcut

October 3, 2010 5:18 AM PDT
when the temp falls try richeninf the mixture or hold the enrichener (choke out 1/2 way till it reaches operateing temp.
spark plugs are the biggest problem come fall try new ones.
October 3, 2010 5:57 AM PDT
Thanx. Don't know why I didn't think of the plugs. Called him and he's going to try new ones. Will let you know...
October 3, 2010 11:04 AM PDT
Jump over to the Intruder forum at
http://forums.delphiforums.com/RLCMC/messages/?start=Start+Reading+%3E%3E />
These people are a wealth on knowledge on these bikes
October 3, 2010 11:21 AM PDT
Thanx, we'll check it out.
October 3, 2010 2:50 PM PDT
Yep, spark plugs are always a good place to start. If you do find the plugs caused the problem, and there is anything but normal where and char on the plugs, remember that something else may have caused the plugs to go bad. Here is a quick ref on what may cause specific plug damage...
http://www.cyclefish.com/forum/The-Garage/General/Spark-Plug-Inspection-and-Maintenance-3706-1.html />
If it is not the plugs, the next thing I would chaeck is the rubbur boot on the carb(s). An air leak at the intake can cause all kinds of problems, and Suzukis are notoriuos for the boots cracking or the clamps coming loose.
October 3, 2010 3:03 PM PDT
Thanx, He is changing his plugs first thing. BTW, I think these may still be the original plugs came with the bike. He bought the bike 2 yrs ago and first thing took it in for 500 mile service. It had 800 miles on it. It sat in a garage the whole time.
October 20, 2010 12:51 AM PDT
Is it running yet? Find the problem?
October 20, 2010 4:36 AM PDT
Got her going while I was home this weekend. He managed to change front plug, but cant get to rear plug. A standard plug socket wont fit past the frame. His '97 has 2 rail frame, not like the newer ones. Anyway, charged the batt (He ran it down tryin to start it) and she started right up. Thanks guys!
July 15, 2011 6:28 PM PDT
Well here is an update on Suzi. She still won't start! Got her going when I replaced the spark plugs (figured out how to get to the left plug) last year, but the battery had been completely ruined by the repeated drain. Now I have a new battery in, but when I turn the key there is absolutely NO power to any of the systems. Took the battery out to check the charge, and the trickle charger says it is fine.
July 15, 2011 8:28 PM PDT
Y'all dont have any friggin valve clearance mate..Sounds like it aint something ya can fix..By repeatedly cranking the shit outta it sounds like you've overloaded the system and blown a bloody fuse or relay.. Sounds like your Lad is gonna have to bite the bloody bullet after 10 months and take the poor little bastard to a shop.
Hope this helps..CHEERS BOOF
August 5, 2011 9:43 AM PDT
Tks Boof. Checked fuses and relays, all good. Pulled battery and jumped from a not-running car. Bike started right up. He just needs a new battery (at least at this point). Hopefully the charging system isn't also fried.
September 10, 2011 6:47 AM PDT
Sounds to me like your above dealer meat. Dealers love to tell you its the carb or the gas is bad around here or whatever they have to tell u to get yur $$$$. My advice to you is to find a mechanic (not necessarily a shop) that you've talked to, know and trust and let him/her maintain ur bike. Now a dayz its simple, if you dont kno ur bikes then u better kno ur mechanic. The same is true for diamonds. If you dont kno ur diamonds u better kno ur jeweler.
September 13, 2011 5:24 AM PDT
Also, if Suzi wont start just wash her out and grease her and she'll start and run real good. Might try doin that with the bike as well, although, I cant guarantee results.