Thanks to all for the input. We owned an aircraft refurbishment company for a few years but I decided to shut it down because I couldn't find reliable help and was working 90 hours a week. With aircraft, the stakes are high and the FAA has a microscope on everything, so it was more than I could handle without a good manager since I was acting as the primary painter, upholsterer, mechanic, test pilot and depending on local labor for disassembly, stripping, masking, etc. My wife ran the office but there was too much going on for me to manage in the production side of things.
Very familiar with the EPA as we chemically stripped the old coatings off the planes and had to deal with paint sludge, waste water disposal, etc. My plating will be small quantities acid solution to keep in the Small Quantities Generator Status with the Fed's.
We were an S-Corp before because of the high liability with aircraft and employees. This will be 100% family, no employees outside wife, oldest child and the others when they are old enough and myself. Except for contracting to SKY. She is set up as a vendor on her own, s I won't have to 1099 her, it'll just be invoiced to her business. So the LLC is probably where I am going to put this.
As far as competition. There are only automotive shops. Most of the work I've seen from them on bikes has way too much orange peel, inadequate clearcoat, runs, etc. You can feel most of the lines of the graphics under the clearcoat. So , I'm very confident that I can make a name, at least locally, when put next to their work.
Since my first job in the Navy was aircraft electrician, I'll be doing custom and replica harnesses for bikes and boats, but that won't be until I can train one of the lder of the tribe to solder and use a harness template board.
Bullmoose, I would like to talk to you more about the dimensionals. I got a close up of our Sporty at the Dayton show last year and love what you did with the skulls.
I appreciate the input, got to think this through. I know what the drain will be at first and I would definitely be keeping my regular job until I feel it can support our current lifestyle. But, I'm working my ass of now and would prefer that my family reap ALL the benefits of this kind of effort.
Has anyone had any experience with a Health Savings Account type of plan with a high risk policy rider? My biggest hurdle is healthcare planning for my family.
sounds like you got it down brother. wish you the best of luck
This may be a great opportunity for you. If it were me, I would hate to have regrets of not at least attempting the venture. Bulldog has some important points and I think you are looking at this with your eyes wide open. You're an intelligent man. You'll make the best decision for your family.
July 11, 2010 5:16 PM PDT
OK, we're going to roll with this. Company name will be a jumbling of the kids names. LOL Kinsey, Kiernyn, Kian and Kierce = Kinsierian Customs and Restorations.
Now I gotta convince them they HAVE to work in the family business cause their name's on it!!! ALL of them...LOL
I think Kierce (3 yr old) will be in charge of the Crayola tank and fender division.
July 11, 2010 5:21 PM PDT
Ya but first get yer god dammed finger outa yer nose LOL...ya'll aint touchin my bike with a booger stuck to yer finger
ha ha ha ...hells just pullin yer leg Bro....
July 11, 2010 5:57 PM PDT
Anybody know a custom pipe cleaner mfg? I need a stuby one made in my ring size. LOL
July 11, 2010 6:02 PM PDT
i do a bit o painting also ,i had my own garage for a bit ,i was a car spray painter for 11 years .niver had ma garage long never had the time was always out on my bike when i was not working at my full time job.
July 12, 2010 12:03 AM PDT
James, looks like some good sound advise, and ideas here. Just don't make it so tough on yourself, that you spend all your waking hours, working. It sounds good from what you have described. I did the self-employment thing for a couple of years. What I found out was, I was a jerk to work for, but I was working alone. The 12 to 18 hour days got to be too much. You're a smart man, go with your gut.
July 12, 2010 1:26 AM PDT
July 12, 2010 1:29 AM PDT
LOL....I find that photo very attractive James.... I see why Creative Mama loves you so...............bwakkkkkk!!!!