July 6, 2010 11:29 PM PDT
We got on that "Do Not Call List" a few years back for the landlines. It didn't do a hell of lot of good, we still got the Marketing calls.
Yea Gary, same here. Still get the damn calls; but by the time I'm done talking to em; they DON'T call back

July 7, 2010 12:26 AM PDT
Way back when this first appeared I listed ALL my phones on it. It stopped all but political phone calls. I know it is hard to believe but our elected officials that wrote the law creating this listing exempted their political ads and marketing from the law.
July 7, 2010 12:50 AM PDT
Way back when this first appeared I listed ALL my phones on it. It stopped all but political phone calls.
I know it is hard to believe but our elected officials that wrote the law creating this listing exempted their political ads and marketing from the law.
Yea Mike; REALLY hard to believe
July 7, 2010 12:55 AM PDT
Thanks Taco
July 7, 2010 12:58 AM PDT
TACO, check out my edit above....My badd as they say Bro!
Thanks Taco...
TACO, check out my edit above....My badd as they say Bro!
LOL...thats ok blaine....i still love ya bro....
Thanks Taco...

TACO, check out my edit above....My badd as they say Bro!
LOL...thats ok blaine....i still love ya bro....
Cool!...LOL. I think I got confused with you wearing that "Miller Lite Lamp Shade" on yer head and Ron (bikersarge) with a fecking coon on his head. At the very least ya'll could be long lost sibelings...LMAO....Love back at ya Bro
LOL....he could be my daddy?????.....lol
I dont know if it works or not but I just say no and hang up. Or I dont answer it and block the number.
They can call all they like....I don't have a cellphone...bloody tracking devices.