December 11, 2014 8:09 AM PST
It can be worse. Try being a biker, without a bike...
Imagine, you go to the rally's and the show's...the ride's and the memorial/fund raiser's, and you pull up in a cage.
Have you any idea the amount of crap about to be thrown at you, by the Newb's??? I can, I've lived it. For more years, than I can say.
I was RAISED to ride. Started @ 5, and went from there. My dad took great delight in "dumping" me off the back of his Harley,
and laughin' whole-heartedly. "Whadya Learn"? He asked. I had no words. I put them into action...
I learned to ride.
50 years later, (minus 10-no bike), I am the lady rider who was out there, when there were very few women on bikes.
Now...they're a dime a dozen, in any color you could name. The novelty may have worn off, but the THRILL, never will...
I was a NOMAD, before patched WOMEN, came into existence. TRUTH.
IF, it bothered me to go...then I wouldn't. I wouldn't be a Chaplain of an MC, and I certainly wouldn't deal with Newbs.
BUT, there's always gonna be the HEART of me that rides, and you can't take the HEART of a BIKER.
'Nuff Said....
Ride Free

December 20, 2014 3:39 AM PST
What kind of bike are you looking for?
January 8, 2015 8:02 AM PST
I tell ya what pisses me off the the guys with the loudest pipes they can put on..then they have to rev the ringer outa their bikes when stationary in traffic..just so everyone takes notice of them...what is it ego or something..Don't get me wrong I don't mind a loud set of pipes..sure there is that old argument about them saving lives..but to be honest...and I'd like anyone who thinks I'm bullshitting take the time to actuallygo out on a hwy and listen...until they go past you can't actually hear much...kinda like cop sirens the speed outreaches the this I mean the faster they go the noise is behind see the car flash by then you hear the loud pipes achieve nothing at speed..think I'm wrong wait till a jet goes by...
I ride with this dude alot who is renouned for rev up his bike..he's newish to the game and loves to hear his bike..drives me nuts on long rides..wind em up ride em straight and level...sounds like what you'd say to a group of pilots in formation doesn't it!