What gives Bikers A Bad Name

  • June 29, 2010 1:06 AM PDT
    You know, bikers catch a lot of grief and stereo-typing. It pisses me off to catch this grief that "OTHERS" cause. It's NOT  ( 1 % ers) that give bikers a bad name, it's the assholes that think owning an HD and getting a tatoo makes them a badass "biker".
    News Flash", any jerk with 15K can buy a Harley and get a tattoo. I can prove that at any given rally or HD shop on any given weekend.
    There are many terms for people that ride. Adventure riders, sport riders, motorcyclist, rider, etc. Owning an HD and having a tattoo does not make a biker. If you are not a biker, don't call yourself a biker. This is why so many 1% ers get pissed a t the wannabee assholes. The wannabees actually give bikers a bad name.
    The inexperienced guys that cut people off in traffic, riding people's asses, pass on the double yellow line, always rev-ving your engine under over-passes, you are the guys thatI'm talking about. You are the guys that make me have to wear a helmet, because you can't ride. You guys that choose to drink and drive are the ones that make the rest of us pay in higher insurance premiums.
    Not to mention the harrassment by police, because such a high percentage of riders these days are insecure pricks that need something to make them feel macho.
    The guy that feels the need to show off usually fucks up everybody's day. And why does he need to show off? Usually becausee his genitals are about as big as his IQ. If you need a motorcycle to make you feel like a man, you are pathetic and you give those of us who understand and live the lifestyle a bad name.  
    Have you ever noticed that the guy that gets his ass kicked at a rally or party is the guy that claims to be the big bad biker? So here's a few rules to follow if you are a true biker.

    1. Pay attention to your riding and not who is looking at you! Nobody cares what you look like on your bike.
    2. Don't go around racking you pipes off in eveyones ear. Someone might just decide to stick them up your ass.
    3. Don't use ultra foul language around women and especially children. Act like a man, not a punk.
    4. Don't make rude comments to women you don't know. Good way to loose some teeth. 
    4. Don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash.
    5. Treat others with respect until you are disrespected
    6. Check your attitude at the door, unless someone invades your space or treats you disrepectfully.
    7. Don't claim to be a biker, then act like an ass.

    A biker that understands these things is a friend of mine 24/7. If you don't understand these things, then your the guy gatting laughed at behind your back.
  • June 29, 2010 1:13 AM PDT
    number 5 should be number 1 in my book
    • 1780 posts
    June 29, 2010 1:14 AM PDT
    There has already been a post on this subject, and the CF family spent quite a bit of time discussing what makes a biker, but thank you for your input on the subject.
  • June 29, 2010 1:25 AM PDT
    After spending this past weekend with my wife at a rally in the Blue Ridge mountains, I was saddened to see what kind of people actually consider themselves bikers. Needed to vent a little on how so many jerks out there screw up everybody elses time, because they need to feel importand or cool. The point of my writing, was not to say who is or isn't a biker, but more of how one should act in public. And how too many people think showing off is cool when it only serves to screw up someone elses day. Most of the time, problems are avoided if riders were to simply think of what they are doing, instead of trying to look cool. I think it;s pathetic that so many rider find the need to act like an ass to get attention, but that's just me.
    • 1780 posts
    June 29, 2010 1:46 AM PDT
    HogHaven wrote...
    After spending this past weekend with my wife at a rally in the Blue Ridge mountains, I was saddened to see what kind of people actually consider themselves bikers. Needed to vent a little on how so many jerks out there screw up everybody elses time, because they need to feel importand or cool. The point of my writing, was not to say who is or isn't a biker, but more of how one should act in public. And how too many people think showing off is cool when it only serves to screw up someone elses day. Most of the time, problems are avoided if riders were to simply think of what they are doing, instead of trying to look cool.
    I think it;s pathetic that so many rider find the need to act like an ass to get attention, but that's just me.

    I guess even Ray Charles can see who you are talking about (even if you don't have the bells to mention my name), and taking into account that you don't even know me, you are assuming quite a bit. So let me just tell you a bit about the ASS that was trying to get attention. First and foremost I don't need to act like an ass to get attention, in fact attention embarrasses me. But just let me tell you a bit about this ASS. This ASS has given away bike parts to people that needed them; (I asked for no money) I just had some parts lying around so I asked on CF who needed them. This ASS came up with the idea of Bikers for a Safer Society, and designed a patch, and gave them away to 150 CF Members (I asked for no money). This ASS has given away items for a charity event in Ireland (and so has a bunch of other CF family members). This ASS bought the breakfast of a couple of strangers the morning of the attention getting event. I could go on for quite a while, but I think you get the point. Here is your lesson for the day.......don't judge people until you know them, and the next time you have a reply about me, mention my Road Name..
    The Night Dragon.
  • June 29, 2010 2:11 AM PDT
    You are 100% right I don't know you. Not assuming anything about you at all. I wasn't speaking about you. I was speaking about the people attending the Hot Springs North Carolina Biker Rally this past weekend. The piss poor excuses for men that were asking all of the women they didn't even know to give them a blow job, then laughing when the women would tell them to screw off. I was talking about the asshole that was spinning his tires in the dirt and broke a vendors windshield with a big rock that got caught in his tire. I Was talking about the guys that pull right up beside people talking and runs his engine at full throttle for minutes on end. Was talking about the guy that was hauling ass, lost control, and ran into another guy's parked bike. I was talking about the guys that left all of their thrash and mess in the middle of the road. All weekend long it was one ass after another, and these people consider themselves bikers. Was the worst assembly of "so called" bikers I have ever seen at one location.
    I hold a rally every year and handle around 600-700 bikers. I run the assholes off because it's my property, my rally, my decision. I risk over $7,000 of "MY" money to put this event on, and ALL profits go to motorcycle charities. We have lots of 1% ers at my rallies and never any trouble whatsoever. To the contrary, they help out. The ONLY problems I ever have is from the assholes like the ones I saw last weekend. Drinking too much, showing off & screwing up someone elses day.
    I wasn't speaking of you, didn't see what happened and therefore I have no comments on the situation. I did however see all of the above listed behavior, this weekend from a bunch of jerks that think they are bikers. And after over 25 years of riding & attending rallies, my wife and I both, were very saddened to see what is happening to the biker culture. It's being lost to a new generation of punks.
    • 1780 posts
    June 29, 2010 2:17 AM PDT
    HogHaven wrote...
    You are 100% right I don't know you. Not assuming anything about you at all. I wasn't speaking about you. I was speaking about the people attending the Hot Springs North Carolina Biker Rally this past weekend. The piss poor excuses for men that were asking all of the women they didn't even know to give them a blow job, then laughing when the women would tell them to screw off. I was talking about the asshole that was spinning his tires in the dirt and broke a vendors windshield with a big rock that got caught in his tire. I Was talking about the guys that pull right up beside people talking and runs his engine at full throttle for minutes on end. Was talking about the guy that was hauling ass, lost control, and ran into another guy's parked bike. I was talking about the guys that left all of their thrash and mess in the middle of the road. All weekend long it was one ass after another, and these people consider themselves bikers. Was the worst assembly of "so called" bikers I have ever seen at one location.
    I hold a rally every year and handle around 600-700 bikers. I run the assholes off because it's my property, my rally, my decision. I risk over $7,000 of "MY" money to put this event on, and ALL profits go to motorcycle charities. We have lots of 1% ers at my rallies and never any trouble whatsoever. To the contrary, they help out. The ONLY problems I ever have is from the assholes like the ones I saw last weekend. Drinking too much, showing off & screwing up someone elses day.
    I wasn't speaking of you, didn't see what happened and therefore I have no comments on the situation. I did however see all of the above listed behavior, this weekend from a bunch of jerks that think they are bikers. And after over 25 years of riding & attending rallies, my wife and I both, were very saddened to see what is happening to the biker culture. It's being lost to a new generation of punks.

    Well in light of this post looks like I owe you an apology....Sorry I took off on ya.

  • June 29, 2010 2:35 AM PDT
    Diito if I came across wrong.
    I am finding myself more and more pissed about the direction of our country. Our crooked politicians, the illegal immigration problems and refusal of the government to address it, the lack of personal repsponsibility. The welfare mentality, the somebody owes me mentality, the I'll act any damn way I wan't to and you have to deal with it attitude.
    That's why my wife & I take off on the bike whenever we can. To get away from the day to day crap. We were really looking forward to riding in the mountains, having a good time, and meeting some new people at the rally. That's what we enjoy. I'm not a prude at all. Once I'm parked, I'll shoot as much tequilla as you can pour. We love to have a good time. But I don't let my behavior negatively affect everyone else around me. I go to bike rallies to be around people like me, who love biking, I build my own bikes, love wrenching, camping, commoroditiy. Enjoy listening to the road trip stories people have. It was very much a let down last weekend to see how much the "motorcycle" culture and society has gone down the tubes. I know there's tons of fine bikers out there, I meet them every day. But the people that have no business calling themselves bikers really give those of us that live by a certain code of ethics, behavior, and brotherhood, a bad name.
    • 1780 posts
    June 29, 2010 12:43 PM PDT
    Hey Hoghaven actually seems like we both think alike, and let me tell ya.....if our paths ever cross....I got the first Beer.
    Have a great week
    Night Dragon
  • June 29, 2010 12:56 PM PDT
    nightdragon wrote...
    Hey Hoghaven actually seems like we both think alike, and let me tell ya.....if our paths ever cross....I got the first Beer.
    Have a great week
    Night Dragon

    That is what this site and we are all about, the brotherhood of the white line. ease up bro, ain't no one pointing a finger at ya. well, maybe me and catchin a laugh! when the hell are we gonna meet up for that brewski? i might be free this weekend, i think my boys are goin with the ex to the coast. yea, in this weather coming in. she ain't the brightest. much love to you and angeleyes 
  • July 1, 2010 7:19 AM PDT
    yep real bikers telling me what i should be. excuse me while i go puke
    • 212 posts
    July 1, 2010 1:23 PM PDT
    Oh my this post is starting to sound familar.It takes all kinds to make the world go round.
    • 1066 posts
    July 1, 2010 3:49 PM PDT
    Yes, i agree with PINKMEDICCHICK, it does sound all too familiar. Frankly i'm kinda tired of " The REAL Bikers " on here telling the rest of us how we should act in order to be " Real Bikers ". I don't live up to anyone's expectations. I live life MY WAY. I'm a MAN that's not ashamed of the way i act, whether it suits the Biker Image or not. Excuse me "Bikers", but i'm tired of all YOUR B. . . . . . .T!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • 413 posts
    July 1, 2010 4:04 PM PDT
    Yep, seems like this subject was brought up in a prior topic. maybe if some would do a little research a bunch of time and space could be saved....been through this and done it already.....FECKIN enough already. I don't claim to be a biker; I never have, but I do my best to respect to rules of the road and the code of ethics of basic human decency. So, enough of this ya gotta be this or ya gtotta be that, just feckin ride, enjoy, and if some asshole fecks your day up take it up with him and leave the rest of us alone thank you....Geeeesh, how many more are gonna start a new topic on a tired assed subject that MOST know the rules too.
  • July 1, 2010 4:26 PM PDT
    I've been riding for 46 years and try not to define myself as anything. I started riding because of a passion for
    2-wheeled contraptions, and that's still my reason for throwing' a leg over my bike 24/7.

    There have always been guys who had more cash than others & liked to show off, but the same is true for anything, from cars & houses to boats & golf clubs. I just love to sit back & 'people watch' !!!
  • July 2, 2010 2:43 PM PDT
    FxrDude wrote...
    Yep, seems like this subject was brought up in a prior topic. maybe if some would do a little research a bunch of time and space could be saved....been through this and done it already.....FECKIN enough already. I don't claim to be a biker; I never have, but I do my best to respect to rules of the road and the code of ethics of basic human decency. So, enough of this ya gotta be this or ya gtotta be that, just feckin ride, enjoy, and if some asshole fecks your day up take it up with him and leave the rest of us alone thank you....Geeeesh, how many more are gonna start a new topic on a tired assed subject that MOST know the rules too.

    Right on FxrDude...well said...
    RandyJoe...Ride Strong...

  • July 2, 2010 3:28 PM PDT
    RandyJoe wrote...
    FxrDude wrote...
    Yep, seems like this subject was brought up in a prior topic. maybe if some would do a little research a bunch of time and space could be saved....been through this and done it already.....FECKIN enough already. I don't claim to be a biker; I never have, but I do my best to respect to rules of the road and the code of ethics of basic human decency. So, enough of this ya gotta be this or ya gtotta be that, just feckin ride, enjoy, and if some asshole fecks your day up take it up with him and leave the rest of us alone thank you....Geeeesh, how many more are gonna start a new topic on a tired assed subject that MOST know the rules too.

    Right on FxrDude...well said...
    RandyJoe...Ride Strong...

    screw it, just ride!
  • December 9, 2014 9:23 AM PST
    respect.....to all.....always.
    • 1 posts
    December 9, 2014 11:24 AM PST
    I can recall riding down the Highway in a fairly large group..the national president whose bike was broke was in a breakdown vehicle travelling behind me. I was riding side by side with a mate from the same chapter as I am.(not hog by the way) He has this tendancy to rev up for no particular reason. Which distracts me..and I just shake my head at him alot. He just smiles and continues..We pull up for the night and after ahwile he comes up too me and relates this, "i was just in a conversation with the National President..(I could see he was impressed)..He just told me I could learn alot from riding next to you on trips. I looked around and spotted the Prez staring at me...I drew my finger across my throat and pointed at him..He burst out laughing...Yeah he told me that if i wanted to be a good rider in the group then I should follow your lead..He said that you wind up your bike get to your cruising speed and then just sit there..You hardly use your brakes and sit in the same spot without yo-yo ing..He also said he heard me rev-ving up all the time..he said when he didn't hear me, He knew I was doing it cause you'd turn towards me and shake your head..You know i just like the sound of my bike.....yeah?.....Well.? We what? I asked. Can I finish out the ride with you..? Really..why would you want to do that? came my reply...I wanna learn Jones...Ok I found myself saying...BUT for f sakes stop rev-ving that bloody bike you're driving me nuts. wind it up and fly it straight and level.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    December 9, 2014 9:11 PM PST
    HA! I feel for ya Jonesy...been there a couple times. Rare now for me to ride with strangers.
    • 9 posts
    December 11, 2014 8:09 AM PST

    It can be worse.  Try being a biker, without a bike...

    Imagine, you go to the rally's and the show's...the ride's and the memorial/fund raiser's,  and you pull up in a cage.
    Have you any idea the amount of crap about to be thrown at you, by the Newb's???  I can, I've lived it.  For more years, than I can say.

    I was RAISED to ride.  Started @ 5, and went from there.  My dad took great delight in "dumping" me off the back of his Harley,
    and laughin' whole-heartedly.  "Whadya Learn"?  He asked.  I had no words.  I put them into action...
    I learned to ride.  

    50 years later, (minus 10-no bike), I am the lady rider who was out there, when there were very few women on bikes.
    Now...they're a dime a dozen, in any color you could name.  The novelty may have worn off, but the THRILL, never will...
    I was a NOMAD, before patched WOMEN, came into existence.  TRUTH.

    IF, it bothered me to go...then I wouldn't.  I wouldn't be a Chaplain of an MC, and I certainly wouldn't deal with Newbs.
    BUT, there's always gonna be the HEART of me that rides, and you can't take the HEART of a BIKER.  

    'Nuff Said....

    Ride Free

    • 10 posts
    December 20, 2014 3:39 AM PST
    What kind of bike are you looking for?
    • 1 posts
    January 8, 2015 8:02 AM PST
    I tell ya what pisses me off the most...is the guys with the loudest pipes they can put on..then they have to rev the ringer outa their bikes when stationary in traffic..just so everyone takes notice of them...what is it ego or something..Don't get me wrong I don't mind a loud set of pipes..sure there is that old argument about them saving lives..but to be honest...and I'd like anyone who thinks I'm bullshitting you..to take the time to actuallygo out on a hwy and listen...until they go past you can't actually hear much...kinda like cop sirens the speed outreaches the noise..in this I mean the faster they go the noise is behind them...you see the car flash by then you hear the siren..so loud pipes achieve nothing at speed..think I'm wrong wait till a jet goes by...
    I ride with this dude alot who is renouned for rev up his bike..he's newish to the game and loves to hear his bike..drives me nuts on long rides..wind em up ride em straight and level...sounds like what you'd say to a group of pilots in formation doesn't it!