I have not finished exploring this topic but picked up on FB from AMA that there is committee study on the definition of Motorcycle.

The motorcycle doesnot have to meet "Crash" standards that a car or truck must pass but there are now 3 and 4 wheel vehicles that are "Motorcycles" Some have handlebars and some now have steering wheels. Enclosed transportation can now be a motorcycle. You do not need to sit astride a seat but may sit in a back supporting seat and sit side by side.

Now comes the problem.... Is the 4 wheel enclosed vehicle safer than a 2 wheel open version if they are "MOTORCYCLES" ...????


Government study on what a Motorcycle is or should be and how to protect the "Passengers"..

I just can't wait to see what this will cost us if it continues.

Have you seen the OSHA compliant Horse transportation.????

Will we need to do a government contact and guidance ourselves.???
Wouldn't logic dictate here....One would think the Government of the United States of America would have more important issues to take on.
An inquiry has already been issued to study what defines a Motorcycle for the Federal Registry Dept.
This could parrallel the lead content problem that has basicly stopped the sale of small dirt bike and atvs for children. Because nothing for "KIDS" should have lead in it I could not be sold for the use by Kids. This stopped the sale because of the lead content in paint and "componets" of the bike. We can have the same materials in the BIG bikes but I guess that the Kids might eat theirs.
As if insurance weren't enough already!
November 13, 2010 1:25 AM PST
Wouldn't logic dictate here....One would think the Government of the United States of America would have more important issues to take on.
You are right, of course, but surely you don't expect logic from the government.