September 10, 2015 2:25 PM PDT
Bought a FXDL new in July '06 with 2 miles on it ('07 model) and expect to pass 100K before year's end. As the bike gets older I spend a bit more time paying attention to things I earlier might have taken for granted. Much like my own body as years add up on me too.
Wanting to keep it stock I've changed the hand grips twice, brakes once, fork seals once, God knows how many tires and the low beam went out once. Oils been changed like clockwork from day 1 with Syn-3 (fricking $25 qt in Europe) everywhere. Uses about 100ml (3-4 ozs) between changes a portion of which winds up in the air cleaner and on my pants leg. And very seldom do I ride down dirt or sandy roads. Plugs burning clean and last oil change mag plug was clean as a whistle.
Now to my question. I won't change the tires but I pull them off and take the tire/wheel to a shop for change and balance. I run original Harley Dunlops front and rear. While the tires are off I go over the systems especially the drive belt, sprockets, brakes, etc. So far original belt and sprockets seem to be in good condition but I'm hearing some pretty conflicting stories. Some are telling me the belt needs to be changed every 50K miles, Others say every 100K. According to the maintenance manual by visual inspection my belt and sprockets are good to go and nothing needs to be changed yet.........BUT
I'm growing a little concerned as many times I'm several thousand miles from home, often solo (or packing a woman useless for turning wrenches) and in some small village hundreds of miles from a Harley shop. Being retired sitting a few days in the Swiss or German Alps or soaking up rays on Mediterranean beaches waiting for parts to arrive doesn't sound like much of a hardship but I'd probably not have the correct tools in the saddle bags to do the work.
Pics at 88,600 on bike and 10K on plugs
Should I change the sprockets and belt now or continue to check them often and follow the maintenance manual to determine when to change? Am I taking an unnecessary chance by pushing to the limit? Any input either from experience or watching others will be greatly appreciated. Seldom I come up with something I can't figure out myself but maybe I'm getting too cheap in my old age to change things early.