January 13, 2015 5:45 AM PST
Normally I don't get "taken" but this guy and his wife concocted and worked hand in hand on a story about a truck they were selling. Yes, I bought it. It is a '99 Dodge Dakota 4x4 with just under 100,000 miles. Cab interior nice. Surface finish peeling but not rusted. Actually has a tape deck AND a CD player. It really appears to be a nice truck.
I take it for a ride. 4-wheel drive works. Runs decent but just way too loud. It needed valve cover gaskets and new tires. I figure if I can get him down to $2,500 and put about a grand in it I'd have a decent truck. So, he goes down from 39 to 25 and I'm feeling proud of myself when I should have been on my guard.
First thing I do is take off that silly exhaust combo he had on. Next thing I notice is noise from every where. Where do I start? Valve cover gaskets of course. Rear-end pinion gear. Front axle, not only wheel bearings but completely new hubs. Power steering vacuum hose. Some dang fuel injection work and new electronics, wires and plugs. So, with new tires I have an additional $2,100 in my $2,500 truck. What's next? Oh yeah. The transfer case was bone dry. Still goes into 4-wheel drive ya know but you really can only go straight. Added fluid just in case that would work but of course it didn't. The transfer motor shot. So let's add another $800.00 for a transfer case that was hard to find since they only made my model # in '98 and '99. And additional $250.00 labor and I've not put in a total of $3,050 in a truck I paid $2,500 to drive. What I have now is a $5,550.00 truck that even in it's "newer" condition (thanks to my wallet) would only sell for about $3,500.00.
Oh wait!!!! The "new" sprayed on bedliner covers up a totally rusted bed. Who DOES that!!!?? So for the most part I have $5,550.00 truck cab and motor. I'm going to build a flat wood bed for the truck come spring. I can probably do that myself for $300.00 or so.
I know. At some point I should've just said "stop, don't fix anything else". But you get so far into something and you already know you're not going to recoup your losses so I stayed with it one fix discovered something else. I'm just praying that the previous owner's neglect doesn't add up to even greater problems. So far I've not heard any serious engine knock or pinging.
I just can't believe I got taken like that. Such "sweeeeeeeeeeet" people too. I once said, "I don't regret anything I do". I'm trying real hard to stay that course by looking on the bright side. I HAVE A DAMN NICE TRUCK.

But there goes that D-40 Guild guitar I wanted.
January 13, 2015 8:47 AM PST
If I laugh would you believe I'm laughing with you...not at you.
Been down that road before myself. I think everyone should get hosed down at least once, makes ya feel better when ya finally get a good deal.
Be safe and enjoy your new truck
January 13, 2015 9:11 AM PST
If I laugh would you believe I'm laughing with you...not at you.
Been down that road before myself. I think everyone should get hosed down at least once, makes ya feel better when ya finally get a good deal.
Be safe and enjoy your new truck
Yeah, I'd believe it. I find myself shaking my head and chuckling tomyself every time I think about the stupidity of it all. I mean all of it; from being taken and continueing to put more money into the truck.
January 13, 2015 10:22 AM PST
Yall ever bought a "rebuilt" shovel? I did once.... lol
January 14, 2015 12:07 AM PST
Yall ever bought a "rebuilt" shovel? I did once.... lol
I just rebuilt one. Ya wanna buy it? LOL
January 14, 2015 1:25 AM PST
Well when things like this happen to me… I thow a sailor kind of cussing fit… then I say to myself that Karma pays us all for what we do, good bad or indifferent. Then like you I pull myself up by my boot straps and take care of business. And while I go about my day and night making things right say a few more sailor words and try to imagine what the end product will be. ( evil me thinks of what a fitting punishment will be, but reminds myself that Karma does all her work for me.) Still going about the business end of it, cussing myself… Yep happens to the best of people, but not to let your self dwell on it. Their Karma not yours.
January 14, 2015 9:59 PM PST
Been there myself a few times. Fortunately not lately though... Post some photos of the truck bed when done.
January 15, 2015 1:58 AM PST
Been there myself a few times. Fortunately not lately though... Post some photos of the truck bed when done.
I most certainly will but it won't be until the Spring sometime. Doesn't seem like it'd be all that difficult but then again it's me we're talkinng about here.
January 16, 2015 9:48 PM PST
I had just sold my truck. Was looking for a desecent vehicle I could use for a to and from school every day and down to VA appointments. So dad and I went to a local dealer here in town. I picked out the one that was going to be easier on gas at the time 4 cilinder because the other one I looked at was a V6. Not two days of driving it it go get it's first Oil change (At the time was free from the dealer). The car did not want to shift into gear after stopping at a stop sign on Railroad crossing. I pushed the car away and down to the side of the road. Dad had to call the dealer to come tow the car to fix the transmission. At least I got a transmission out of it and free car rental while they fixed my car.
January 17, 2015 8:45 AM PST
I have this Toyota bus...it used to have 12 seats in it...now just the bench infront...and was reconfigured to a paneltruck..which is way cool...its got near 300,000 km on the motor..the aircon just shit itself up front but the back works great.The back brakes were wound off as they locked up recently so I gear down to help keep the front pads from wearing..My mechanic is sick and he watches his apprentice screw things up and smiles..but his back is busted so he is content to rake in the money..the thing cost 1300 bucks so far its cost me a set of brake pads and a disc shave so all in all I'm going o'k once a fortnight i have to put water in the reservoir to keep the radiator light from coming on...So I think Jimmy you did nt do so badly....I also renewed the 5 ply covering the back tray. under neath was orminoid paint and oil...what a mess...lol. Still though its great on gas.
January 18, 2015 12:52 AM PST
Did the same thing once. I had always wanted a convertible, so I bought this Chrysler Sebring convertible for $3,000. The book value on it was about $3800 so I thought I had gotten a good deal. Well then the small repairs started and I had put about $1000 in it and then the transmission went out. Had to decide whether to sell it with a bad tranny for $500 or put a used tranny in for $1800. I went with the tranny and then decided I didn't want the convertible any more so I sold it for $3000. So I basically rented the car for 6 months for $3000 and lots of work :-)
January 18, 2015 1:37 AM PST
You know I've "lost" money before but it was my own doing, I knew I was going to, but I also knew someone else was going to benefit. People buy lots of things they eventually sell for less than they paid. Gypsy and I bought a cool little sports car a couple of years back; a Chrysler Crossfire convertible. Everything was a clone of the Mercedes SLK Roadster made in Germany. It was a damn cool car. After the first winter in the garage I'm thinking, "what an idiot". Our ride is a Harley and a truck when not on the Harley. Plus, any repairs on that Crossfire I certainly couldn't do and it cost us another grand to repair/replace a damn heater/air motor. Also it took 9 quarts of synthetic oil as well; pretty damn expensive oil change. Why did we buy it? Secretly I guess I always wanted European style sports car and we had this image of an old gray-haired couple in a sports car I guess. That's what they do, right? LOL
Yep, I knew we needed to sell it since basically we weren't going to choose it over the Harley and we couldn't drive it in the winter. And we did lose money as I thought we would. But that was an elephant off of our backs and the buyer got a great deal.
There have been other occasions as well. But it's all good. Eh Jonesy? Life is still a blast IMHO and we just keep charging forward.
January 19, 2015 6:52 AM PST
Hope you get the truck sorted out okay.My former, 97 DDakotaECab 2wd I bought new,and when I let it go had over 90000 miles on it with only a few repairs that were basically wear n tear.Its still running last I seen it,and wont be surprised if it breaks 200,+ miles
Seen a old Ford PU w/restored original wood flooring in the box.That would interesting to see on the truck.
Funny how the paint in the bed of my truck weathered better than the rest of the truck !
Are you looking at doing the paint also? Thats another grand for a half decent job.
Have fun with it and keep us posted!
January 19, 2015 9:04 AM PST
I owned a 2000 Dakota for 225,000 miles. Bought a new 2004 with 110,000 miles and basically gave it to my grandson. I never any problems with either of those vehicles. I loved 'em. The one I have now just came from a guy who probably never takes care of anything. I was looking at salvage yard beds; hard to find but those I did find were priced for more than I could install a wood bed.
January 22, 2015 2:38 AM PST
I know we have all heard the term "shinny as an apple on the outside, and full of worms on the inside"!
In 1969 I was stationed in Tampa Florida, and was looking for a sports car. I found one on one of those I tote the note lots. When I set in it I told the salesman the seat was loose. He said not to worry he would tighten the seat for me. I raised the seat and could see the parking lot. Only one bolt and a bunch of rust. Guess what the salesman said next...Oh not to worry I will put a piece of plywood in there for me.
Just walked away shaking my head.Here's your sign