August 11, 2014 11:44 AM PDT
Actor Robin Williams was found dead at his home today from what appears to be suicide.
He will definitely be missed by just about anyone who liked to laugh.
I can remember way back when first living on my own we used to have people over every Tuesday night and laugh at one of the funniest men on TV at the time playing Mork on Mork and Mindy. Then after not seeing him for a bit he came back to make us laugh again in stand up in so many great movies.
Nanu Nanu Robin -
August 11, 2014 12:08 PM PDT
his comedy will be missed
August 11, 2014 6:24 PM PDT
RIP Robin, you will be missed by so many that loved you and your unique style humor.
Locally I know Robin came to town years ago to purchase some very high priced bicycles from a local bike shop that has exclusive distribution of those bikes.The local paper did a nice article on his shopping trip.I also recall going to a friends house with some other buddys to sit n watch Mork & Mindy on a regular basis.He almost always made us laugh over some silly thing.Thanks for all the great memorys & smiles Robin !!!
August 12, 2014 1:51 AM PDT
I never knew how to convert these, Ya'll so you'll have to copy & paste
Why do we read and write Poetry? Dead Poets Society.... />
And so it begins.
Disturbing reports are coming out, in the after-math of the suicide of Robin Williams.
What follows are my thoughts, and are IMHO.
Depression is an illness. And no two people, manifest that depression in the same way. Some, are addicted, some cut themselves, some stay isolated, never seeking help, because they've learned, mental illness, is still a stigma. Not acceptable to mainstream America.
And so, they continue on, in their lonely existences, never knowing, that help is there, for the asking. (Of course, if you are uninsured, that's a bit harder) .Or, they do ask, and they are met with missed diagnosis', shunted from Dr. to Dr., or counselor to counselor, whose only job, it seems, is to collect their own paychecks.
What is most disturbing, however, is the fact that those on the "ragged-edge", those who have been through the "mill", seeking some and
see, as this ICON, (whom in their mind, has "everything"), take his own life.
And hope becomes hopelessness. As they wrongly assume, if someone with all that can't be happy, and "checks out"...what's holding me back?
There were no less than 8 suicide attempts, in this city, today alone.
Why am I writing this, you may ask? Because I've battled depression, for most of my adult life. And I've come to learn, that there is light at the end of that tunnel.
The most important thing we as individuals can do, is to pay attention to the words, and actions of our loved ones. And not judge anyone we don't know. You can't see what's lying under the surface. You have NO IDEA the battles people are facing.
Be a FRIEND. Lend an EAR. Intervene, if necessary. But don't assume, EVER, that someone, who knows depression, will wear a NEON sign, telling you that.
Please share: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline's telephone # on your page. Thanks! 1-800-273-8255 The Call is FREE, and you will be directed to a local crisis counselor. Hang in there. YOU CAN GET THRU THIS!!!
Ride Free Forever

August 15, 2014 9:05 AM PDT
Robin Will be missed. Mork and Mindy was a blast. The comedy of Robin and even his Serious rolls he did very well. Hard to believe he was depressed as much humor that ran thru him.