What have you found in your tires

  • November 24, 2013 11:09 AM PST
    I went to leave for work at about 02:40 am Wednesday morning to go to work and discovered I had a flat tire. When I got home Wednesday I found this in my tire.It seems like I'm always butting my head.
  • November 24, 2013 11:41 AM PST
    Fish hook!!!!!!!! noticed it 100 miles from home.
  • November 24, 2013 11:56 AM PST
    Had a flat coming home from a business trip. took it in the next day to get it fixed and after about ten minutes the tech comes in and shows me a piece of brake line about 7 inches long. he said the only thing showing was the fluted end of the tubing flush with the tread.
    • 1855 posts
    November 24, 2013 3:02 PM PST
    How ironic. Last night on the way to a wedding reception I noticed a thump thump thump coming from somewhere in the rear of our brand new Jeep Patriot. I was a half mile from the reception and pulled in to check the rear tires. I just new I caught something. Turns our it was a piece of steel....1/4" in diameter and 6" long. Only 2" of the thing was sticking out. It was damn late and cold and windy and snowing. I called a tire service place just a couple miles from the reception. They took off the tire and took it back to the shop. An hour later they came back with this blunt piece of steel. I'll get a pic of it. I couldn't believe it was that blunt and that long. Though they plugged it, the location really dictates that I get a new tire. Damn thing only had 200 miles on it. As cold as it was it was dang worth the 85 bucks to call the service center.

    Most I've had in a motorcycle tire was 2" deck screw. And just once at that.
    • 5420 posts
    November 25, 2013 1:31 AM PST
    Coming home from the Love Ride a few years back I heard this slamming noise and as I slowed I felt the bike sway and knew I had a flat read tire. When I checked it out it was a flat piece of metal sticking out of my tire - looked like maybe the cover to an electrical box. While it was stuck in the tire it had hit the read fender so hard in a few places from the inside it made inverted dents in the read fender with the paint chipped off. Needless to say it was to big of a gash for a plug or fix a flat and since it was late Sunday night all we could do was take the 50 mile ride home in a tow truck.
    • 846 posts
    November 27, 2013 12:13 AM PST
    As last season was coming to a end I made a run to the local pharmacy. I did notice the bike handled a little strange. Since the pharmacy is only a few miles away I continued thinking what could be wrong. Well coming out of the pharmacy I noticed my rear tire was softer then (well you fill in the blank) ____. As soon as I got home up on the lift it went and sure enough there was one of those self tapping screws that is used in car tail light assemblies is sticking out of the tire. Well after a few calls I found a tire and after over inflating the tire off to the shop I went.

    The kicker is I just changed that tire and only had a few thousand miles on it. Plus it was one of the new Dunlop 407 tires so I was not to happy to be replacing it so soon.
  • November 27, 2013 1:19 AM PST
    I was inspecting the front tire and found some antiquated oxygen and immediately replaced it...and low and behold, the rear tire had the same issue!....there ain't nutin' like a good inspection!
    • 844 posts
    November 27, 2013 3:10 AM PST
    have had lots of the normal stuff like nails and screws but the strangest thing I found was an allen wrench.
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    • 19067 posts
    November 27, 2013 5:24 AM PST
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    November 27, 2013 5:51 AM PST
    While working for PA DOT I spent a Summer at the main county garage working as the "tire man".
    I fixed tires from wheelbarrow to huge heavy equipment ones.
    Needless to say I fixed a bunch, the strangest leak was caused by a watchband pin, yes that little spring loaded pin that keeps the band hooked to the watch.
    • 1 posts
    November 28, 2013 10:13 AM PST


  • November 29, 2013 4:36 AM PST
    I own a tire shop I have seen everything in tires here are just a few deer antler,utilty knife,screw driver,nails, screws and everything you can imagine. LOL