September 27, 2013 3:33 AM PDT
Hey people!!!! Just thought I'd wish ya'll a good day. It's been a gorgeous week here in w central Ohio and we've been doing more around the property to facilitate the sale of our home through "curb appeal". I thought the place already looked real nice until we began "thinning" so to speak. It's looking better everyday but really, I gotta take a day off and get some more riding time in. So, that's my agenda here in a few. Anyway, just wanted to say "good morning" and have a super day.
September 27, 2013 3:38 AM PDT
g'mornin' Jimmy. Had the same thing when we sold our house. A lot of things that just never seemed like they needed to be done for the years we lived there seemed like a good idea to make it sell better. Just be careful! A couple of things I did to make the house look nicer I got the "How come you didn't do that in the 6 years we lived here and now you do it for the new people"
Good deal on taking a break for some riding. Have a fun and safe ride!!!
September 28, 2013 2:13 AM PDT
Mornin' again people. Great day in w central Ohio. We're outta here. Have a great day.
September 28, 2013 6:18 AM PDT
Have a good ride & enjoy the sunshine

nothing like getting the chores done and then going out for a nice ride !!
September 29, 2013 2:59 AM PDT
Good Sunday morning from w central Ohio. It's going to rain today; the first we've had in weeks. And then it's going back to being another beautiful fall week. Hope your day is grand.