September 9, 2013 6:07 PM PDT
Do any of you have any tips for new riders?
Tips as far as road positions, stop and go traffic, are back roads best to start out on?
Any tip would be greatly appreciated!
Suggestions will also be great!
Should newbies be dressed in full gear when starting out?
Also, what kind of bike is best to start out on? I was thinking about getting a sports bike to start, but I do know that I definitely want a Harley before the end of my time. The best of both worlds will always work for me!
I'm trying to take as many precautions as I can for when I start out. I do realize that this is a very serious "sport", so I want to be as safe as possible.
I can not tell you all enough of just how thrilled I am to be beginning this new chapter in my journey of life!
September 9, 2013 9:55 PM PDT
I think BlacktopGypsy gave you the best answers you can get. Take the motorcycle safety course. Start out slow....
September 9, 2013 10:03 PM PDT
Motorcycle Safety Foundation search riding course near you,always wear the best gear you can afford,you can look Cool and Sweet later
September 10, 2013 3:17 AM PDT
Here's my two cents like everyone else has said a good safety course and good gear. As far as what roads to start out on that is up to your comfort level some folks won't ride interstate and some folks love the interstate one thing you should always remember cages severe see you always!!! watch out far them make yourself as visible as possible never assume they see you!! As I was told by a long time ride "the paint never dries and respect you bike and she will that care of you" Glad you are wanting to join the sport hope you fulfill your dream enjoy and be safe
September 10, 2013 3:56 AM PDT
Gosh, there are soooooo many things you'll learn over the years. In some states if you have a permit you're not allowed to ride on the interstate. Anyway, after you "take" the mc rider safety course I find the most important thing to remember is to keep your head up. Don't look down in a curve. Look beyond the curve by keeping your head up. Here's a tough one for novice riders, "stay calm". Sometimes it's hard to do but as you gain confidence in yourself you're more apt to manage your stress level. I'm certain we could go on forever. Once you get on two wheels and have a particular/specific question don't hesitate to ask.
September 10, 2013 4:32 AM PDT
We can go on for hours covering all those things and many more, but until you actually get up on a bike most won't make any sense.
Like everyone else I will say DON'T RIDE until you have taken a Safety Course. They will cover most of that with you. I know some of us old guys and gals didn't do that, but it IS different today... there are lots of people out there and lots more things can go wrong.
Other than that Jimmy's advice "stay calm" is VERY important. However to get to the point to stay calm you need to have the confidence to ride your bike in almost any situation. The way to do that is practice as much as you can in a controlled environment before heading out into traffic. Too many riders go down because the ride timid and panic!
Oh yeah, after you have taken the basic course and ridden for a bit, go back and take an advance course where they cover more intense situations that you are sure to encounter.
Good Luck!
September 10, 2013 4:42 AM PDT

Lucky has hit the nail on the head
September 10, 2013 7:04 AM PDT
Ride with people who are looking out for you. They will slow down and give you some riding tips. Nothing though will help more with your riding skills than just time in the saddle. Good luck and remember to have fun!
September 10, 2013 8:55 AM PDT
Wow! Thank you all so much!!
I'm definitely looking forward to this!!
I have a whole list of stuff to do today as far as looking stuff about rider safety courses and stuff!
I can not explain just how excited I am! I'm starting this journey with some close relatives of mine, so our minds are just racing for this experience! It's like the adrenaline is already building!!
Again, thank you all for the great advice! On my way to look up the rider safety courses!!!
September 10, 2013 12:22 PM PDT
Should newbies be dressed in full gear when starting out?
EVERYBODY should wear full gear all of the time. – Been riding 50 years and gear up every time, now more than ever.
Also, what kind of bike is best to start out on? I was thinking about getting a sports bike to start, but I do know that
Somebody else said it first but nothing wrong with a Rebel or the like. – They are not really “sport bikes”, they are just plain “MOTOTCYCLES” and are serious FUN
I'm trying to take as many precautions as I can for when I start out. I do realize that this is a very serious "sport", so I want to be as safe as possible.
Everybody has said it first but definitely take a MSF course. Had been riding about 40 years when I took it and I learned new stuff. + you save 10% on you auto insurance.