Hello from the Pennsylvania shores of Lake Erie.
Welcome from the 'at large' member (currently in Terlingua, TX) to the best damn biker site/family on this here web thing.
Welcome aboard from TEXAS
Welcome to Cyclefish!
Welcome from Massachusetts
Hello & welcome to the best motorcycle board on the web

Hello From Tennessee Great to have you with us
I'll try and upload pictures. I always have a problem.
I removed the spin-on-filter oil tank. Installed a belt in the primary after Sturgis 2010. ...B grind cam....points..... 51 tanks ....48 title.......55 bottom end
July 8, 2013 10:15 AM PDT
Does it run as good as it looks,Nice Job
July 8, 2013 10:26 AM PDT
Thank you
I can cruise at 70-75mph. Starts on 1 kick...2 squirts with the throttle, ignition off, 3 kicks to prime , ....then ignition on 1 kick.
100 miles between fillups before going on reserve.
I wear earplugs. Can't handle the wind anymore.......and with straight pipes it roars like a raped ape.
I have had it since 1978 (in pieces). I have made changes through the years. Seat was made so I could sit back 2" more.
All the tools I need are in the saddlebags with the rain suit.
August 8, 2013 2:43 AM PDT
Hell Yea nice scoot.....use to own a 64 pan back when I lived in California in the 70's
Welcome to the site from the Night Dragon in Pigeon Forge Tennessee
August 8, 2013 2:50 AM PDT
welcome from VA