May 14, 2013 11:53 AM PDT
May I express my heartfelt thanks to Moon Dogg and The Veteran Bikers M/C for their induction into the club.
It means so much to me, especially since, I STILL don't have my ride...
And not only that, but I've been asked if I'd consider bein' the club Chaplain!!!
WOW!!! For real? I'm so honored and humbled, I can hardly express.
Of course, I would, (contingent on my formal ordination),
I heartily accept!!!
Those of you, that have known me, since I first came to CycleFish, will know, just how MUCH this means to me.
And for all the Vets, who've been around and seen the stuff, I post...YOU KNOW THIS IS AN HONOR!!!
TO serve the Club, to serve ALL Vets, but most of ALL...
Thanks, to ALL, who have encouraged me thru my rough patches, thanks to all, who've supported me, (financially, and otherwise)
but most of ALL...
Thanks to Lucky and Laura!

CycleFish, has been a GODSEND to me, and I know, to a whole LOT of others.
You ROCK, and I will NEVER be able, to say enough good things about Ya'll!!!
I LOVE, Each and Every ONE, of my CycleFish friends. And I am proud and honored, to know YOU!!!
Ride Hard, Ride Safe, RIDE FREE!!!

P.S....Ya'll know what this means right? Just one more thing, and I'm gettin' what the Lord placed on my heart, more than
five years ago. THE MOTORCYCLE MINISTRY!!! Oh Yeah! Can you guess that "one more thing"
May 14, 2013 12:09 PM PDT
Glad things are good Tweek....
May 14, 2013 12:38 PM PDT
Glad things are good Tweek....
More than good. Awesome! And ...thank you!
Ride Free
They couldn't have made a better choice Tweek. God takes care of those that love Him. I'm so happy for you gal.
Tweek, I couldn't be happier for you and that club that saw you and knew they had a place for you to be a servant with using your gifts that God has given.That's the real joy in life is using those gifts He has given to serve Him.Makes life full and rich which has nothing to do with dollar signs.Beautiful patch can't wait to see yours with the rocker added......Go Tweek, God Rocks All The Time.
Congratulations Tweek and I'm sure you'll whip them Vet guys into shape. God is good.
May 15, 2013 12:18 PM PDT
Tweek, Awesome, We serve a Mighty God!
May 15, 2013 12:20 PM PDT
Thanks Ya'll...I am humbled by your kindness'.
Ride Free
You go girl!!!!
YAY !!! Good news I love it,and this is the best sort thats close to home here on Cyclefish.
Never doubted that he had a plan for you, as he does for so many others whose lives he has
touched, in often unfathomable ways.A little bit of faith can go a long ways to make this world
a better place,now and into the future.
Thanks for sharing this !!!
Tweek, becoming Ordained is a simple process. You can do a great deal of it online and then record it at your local courthouse. My daughter did it a few years ago, she specialized in performing non traditional weddings. I was inspired and felt called a few months ago, so I became ordained as well. Best wishes to you, good things are coming to you!
Thanks Stormy. I know I could get an online ordination, and i've looked into it. It's just, not for me. I'd rather go thru the people I know, love, and respect whole-heartedly. It just would mean
that much more to me. Ya know? I have no problem with people gettin' their GOD on, in
ANY way they choose.
I've simply chosen, another path.
Ride Free

Addendum! And I know how to eat humble pie, yummm! J/K! Took Stormy's advice, and went back online. Nothing wrong with doing what the Lord, asked me to do, and, It occured to me, tomorrow ain't promised! So, I went for it!!! Thanks Stormy.
I will still keep to my training, and have a MORE formal ordination at some point. This is just a KICK-START!!!
Glad for you Lady! May your road be clear before you and the Past be truly behind you.
God Bless,
May 21, 2013 12:05 AM PDT
Tweek, I would much enjoy and pray with you at your ordination. Please send me an invite.
Tweek, I would much enjoy and pray with you at your ordination. Please send me an invite.
I'll do that, Lady. And thanks for your support!