April 17, 2013 8:17 AM PDT
What's Up Guys
Some of you have been asking me and pm'ing me about my bikes audio system.
I thought it might help to not just type about it but to be able to hear it for yourself.
Here is a link to the YouTube video I just did on my I-Phone 5.
http://youtu.be/XefmqY0LIrg />
I have a set of Kicker 5250's and a 180 watt Alpine amp.
Is there better, sure there is but this little system gives you plenty of sound for the bucks spent that's for sure.
70 MPH + on the freeway isn't an issue.
I like an app called Cycle Sounds SCV to play my music.
i can control the song selection on the touch screen.
It also has a navagation system.
A volume control.
And has a MPH read out.
Long ago I made a black acrylic face plate for my I-Phone.
I use a Dock Boss and I have a power point for powering up my I-Phone.
For the money I think it's a great little setup.
Check it out.
April 17, 2013 11:51 AM PDT
Thats a really nice system I would like to put some tunes on my softail but need to do some more research on where to hide all the stuff
April 17, 2013 12:50 PM PDT
April 18, 2013 2:32 AM PDT
Nice audio system. Beats the hell out of my Sena headset helment speakers. I always thought that loud pipes save lives...I guess in your case, loud audio saves lives.
April 18, 2013 5:02 AM PDT
Been seeing a lot of the newer sound systems on all sorts of bikes out here on the coast.
They usually are loud enough to make them feasible.Yours looks good.
Me,I take the less is more approach,when I ride I really want the least amount of distractions possible.
For me the less buttons toys etc the happier I am.
I do carry my harmonica just abt everywhere I ride, though I havent tried playing while waiting at a light

April 18, 2013 10:52 AM PDT
Thanks Guys.
I posted this yesterday afternoon on YouTube and it already has over 100 hits.
Thanks Again.