March 8, 2013 9:08 AM PST
Just saw the weather forecast for the next seven days...CHILLY! May get to near 77 on Tues., which is perfect. Other than that...
highs near 70, and lows in the 40's...BUT...NO RAIN IN THE IMMEDIATE FORECAST!!! ALRIGHT! That's Jacksonville. Need to know that
for the trips there and back. The weather may be slightly warmer 2 hours south...BOY, I HOPE SO.
Yeah, Yeah...I'm a GIRL...ALLRIGHT? (a slightly, "older", girl, but a girl nonetheless...lmao) We gets cold...dontcha know.
Why do ya think we like them "Big Burly Biker" types? They keeps us WARM, BABY! Oh yeah...
(Well that, and few well spread out shots of Jagger....Whoo-Hoo!)
I keep this up, and I'll be down there, by tomorrow night. Know right where to park, Momma-mini.
They wouldn't let me rent a bike, with my credit card....damn it!

Ride Free

Tweek (Is so 'CITED...
wanna go NOW!)
PS...SOLAR BILL- Where ya gonna be...and when, bro?
March 8, 2013 12:36 PM PST
I'm heading over to Daytona Sunday
March 8, 2013 3:07 PM PST
Much as I really wanna be there...right this daggone minute,,,
It'lll be middle of next week, earliest.
Have fun ya rotton-f*****s....!!! lmao
Ride Free