Sound advice, except for one thing. There are a LOT of cars that are still ridin' around with "SPINNERS". The wheels that move (spin) continuously. They are common place here in Jax, tho I don't know about up yonder, in your neck of the woods. The only advice I have, is to ride when traffic is light. Very early mornings were always good for me. On the weekends, especially, as a lot of folks, like to sleep in a little on the weekend. I'd get up at O dark thirty, and take "Blue" out for her daily run. I usually rode pretty much the same route for a while, until I got
really comfortable. There was a big difference in acceleration, from my last bike, and I wanted to know my limits.
Pick some less traveled roads, until you and your bike become one. Take it from someone whose had a lot of experience on smaller bikes, you can't get enough practice. So stay with it. Just keep your eyes on scan, continuously, as you ride. Don't get so caught up in the scenery, that you miss Gramma, turning left in front of ya.
Ride Free
Thank God the kind of people that drive cars with those pimp spinners on them don't live in Tenn!