January 9, 2013 3:16 PM PST
Ok, so Imma forego all the hoopla I jujalee put n to one of my posts, cause time seems to be of the essence.
My Windows Defender keeps popping up saying I need to install this or that...so I tried. UNSUCCESSFULLY.
It wouldn't load all 12 updates...K?
Now, every time I change a page, or switch browser sites, the little Warning Icon pops up and says...
blah blah blah blah blah
I have NORTON Security, which told me to disable Windows defender. But, in drunken stupor, I think I poo-pood that idea,
and ignored the advice.
Cause Windows screams, YOU NEED ME!!!
Mind you, like I said, I AM A TECHIE-TARD, K?
So...anyone got the patience, to walk the Peg...I mean Tweek,
THRU THIS S**T>>>???
Ride Free (and if I distapeer's, Ya'll know Y)

I'm off to bed. Got a zero dark thirty, wake up call. Hit me up, one way, or the other...K? Keep it simmpal for schtupid, huh? lmfao