Leo...a fun filled little dog

    • 1 posts
    November 22, 2012 1:17 AM PST
    Every second Thursday night I put the garbage out cause every second friday morning the garbage men come calling. While i put the garbage out i let my dogs(3) out for a roam around the park out the back of my house. Tonight was no different. Only Leo my daughters pup, a small fluffy slipper otherwise known as a Tibetan Spaniel flew out under the wife's car as i opened up the garage door that leads straight into the back of my block.

    Leo with no road sense ran straight into the path of an oncoming car. With no chance to call out I watched as he was struck by the rear wheels of a pickup...no noise at all, I doubt the driver even saw him...as he didn't stop. All I saw was a blur of white racing across the street to end up a ball of fur lying dead in the middle of the road.

    It's after 2 am now...My daughter is distraught...Leo is lying in state on the floor of garage. Although she hasn't said it yet. I feel the burden of guilt will rest with me...as i let him run every second Thursday....
    • 2 posts
    November 22, 2012 1:29 AM PST
    Not much I can say, good dogs and good people come and go but the memory lingers on as long as we do..

    The pain dulls but the melancholy never leaves.

    RIP Leo
    • 9 posts
    November 22, 2012 11:09 PM PST
    Poor puppy. I know you're pain. I let my dog's out in the yard to do "their thing" one day, and the phone rang...
    I was only on the phone for a minute, but in that short time, the dogs had run around to the front of the house. The older dog, my shepherd "Bandit", and the puppy, "Max", a mutt, who I had recently rescued from the Humane Society.
    When I went to call them, out back, and they didn't respond, I raced to the front of the house, in time to see
    Bandit, pulling Max's lifeless body, out of the middle of the road, onto the grass...

    Bandit was just as mournful as I, and looked at me beseechingly! But there was nothing I could do.
    Max was "gone". I was so upset, I called my husband at work, and he came home to comfort me, and to
    bury the dog. I blamed myself, too, Jonesy, but death is a part of life. And it was just his time, is all.
    Don't be too hard on yourself. It wasn't your fault, OK?

    Ride Free
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    November 22, 2012 11:15 PM PST
    Without going into details I too lost a dog many many thanksgiving's ago for a similar reason. I still mourn her death at my negligence. You can bet that I NEVER let my dogs of the leash anywhere within the range of traffic.

    Sad for you and your daughters loss.
    • 611 posts
    November 23, 2012 1:18 PM PST
    sorry for your loss... always hard. condolences on the loss of a beloved pet